In an editorial is the Salem News they seem to agree with me regarding the dangers inherent in the special permit process. You can read the Salem News editorial here.
It seems that Zoning Reform in this City is alive and well... as long as it is done by the City Council's rules.
Read the Peabody Weekly News story here.
After months and months of stalling on the City's plans for rezoning much of the Downtown area, the City Council accepted a proposal by Councilor Athas to amend the zoning uses in the current BC (business central) zone. The City Council approved the measure with very little discussion.
The new plan now restricts multifamily residential and rooming house uses in the BC zone to be BY SPECIAL PERMIT ONLY. This allows the City Council to have final say to approve or deny applicants based on nothing more than who-you-know or simply the whim of the day.
Mark my words... As the City Council is certainly NOT a very legally savvy group... and they are prone to follow the whining of a few vocal people present in a particular meeting (instead of considering the 'good' for the City as a whole)... We are going to be hit with lawsuit after lawsuit IF the properties in Downtown ever become interesting to developers again. The City Council should really leave the important details of economic development, city planning and developer negotiations to trained experienced people.
So now we will have even less opportunity to make Downtown into someplace that people will want to visit, work in or even live in.
Here is a great quote from the article...
“We have a population already that’s adequate to revitalize the downtown,” [Councilor Arthur Athas] said, adding that the area just needs to be made friendlier to pedestrians.
See folks... Peabody's Downtown is PERFECT! All we need to do is make it more pedestrian friendly and we will be all set!
This is the kind of mind at work planning the future of our City.
I find this frightening and sad.