Friday, November 14, 2008

The Salem News Reports on $1M Grant for Jobs

The Salem News has, yet again, missed an opportunity to highlight good news in Peabody. Maybe they should be called The Salem BAD News???

The article (link here) lists unemployment figures from September 2007 and 2008. And while it is not great to see how many folks have lost their jobs, it is somewhat encouraging to see that Peabody has one of the smallest increases in job loss in the North Shore, and it is MUCH BETTER than the State average.
Peabody's unemployment rate, while still too high, grew only 0.7% making it the second lowest in the region and lower than the State average or 0.9%

Maybe this isn't GREAT NEWS for someone who has just lost their job, but it is at least a little encouraging for the rest of us.

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