A group of citizens led by Keith Doucette has opened up a new blog to focus specifically on the next elections here in Peabody.
As is usually the case, Keith has interesting things to add to the blog-o-sphere. Check it out.
Farewell Dark City....
12 years ago
OG says...
Sorry KD but you just don't inspire me with your attempted leadership. I admire your interest in being involved but your style just irks me. For your political sake I hope that my view is not shared by the majority.
Let’s see knuckleheads how about.
Mike B
Dick C
Milt B
The Majority of the CC
Most of the SC
PD Union head
FD Union head
Teacher’s Union head
Just to name a few.
Hell their all right here in Peabody, you did say the world?
Let’s not forget to add you to this list ANON. What do you say want to grow a pair and come out from under mommies dress?
Put up or shut up. PI if you had any balls you would control your blog like KD is doing.
Let’s not forget the biggest knucklehead ANON of all OG. He irks you because he does what you do not have the balls to do. Put your name on the things that bug you. What does inspire you OG asking questions because that’s all your ever do. I believe I remember KD calling you on that at one point. Maybe you did not like being put in your place?
While I do not sit and patrol the blog postings, I do not let things get out of control if I can.
So I can either have total control over what gets published... which is 100% worrisome to me (and it should be to you as well) since I could simply only allow postings I liked to get through.
Or I need to let them all post and then cull the asinine comments IF they go to far.
Notice I do not feel the need to promote detailed disclaimers on my blogs... frankly people are allowed to post what they will and I will temper them if and when I find the need or the time.
I have taken this particular anon to task concerning this childish behavior before.
I will no longer tolerate these grade school antics and I will now delete all postings containing this name calling silliness.
So anon, you are welcome to post and to be critical of others, but I will not allow you to continue being so childish in your name calling. Posts will be deleted when you abuse this forum.
PI thanks for the post. The 100% control, I have not had to use since starting the blog. I have approved every post except for a duplicate. The childish posters simply do not try and comment.
Thanks again for the post.
OG says...
he irks me because he is brash, abrasive, and seems to be lacking in political savvy. I do not know KD personally and he may be the nicest guy in the world but I can only judge him based on his SC campaign (which I thought that he handled well) and then what I read from him on here (which I do not feel that he handles well at all) and any prospective candidate who comes on here "threatening to end political careers" is not my kind of candidate....and sometimes it may be wiser to ask question before you offer an opinion...because our opinions should be based on knowledge and not knee jerk responses....and that's how OG sees it!
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