It seems that the Peabody Patriot has, once again, left the building.
There was a cryptic message of a sort up on the site a few days back... which vanished a few hours later.
And then today ~poof~
Some people with claims of knowledge have posted here (see comments) but I have no personal knowledge of what happened at the Patriot this time.
I will say that running a blog is a tremendous amount of work and running a good one is 10x tougher. Add to that the R_E_A_L_L_Y slow news about Peabody for the last few weeks (and many fewer posts and/or comments) and perhaps the Patriot needed a break.
I will continue to be here and the Peabody Elections blog seems intact. I welcome the Patriot if he/she decides to come back as I don;t see anything wrong with more people discussing the issues important to the City of Peabody and her fine citizens.
Farewell Dark City....
12 years ago
Once again, the Patriot is AWOL. What's the excuse going to be this time? PI, it looks like you have the com....
See below for the last post from the Patriot. They are pulling their readers chain and I decided enough was enough. I told them if they wanted to keep this up and bring back the original Pat their friends at city hall would be the only ones that got hurt. You see Pat, Fred, Jorge and the new guy have sent me emails with city hall workers names. I saved them all and I am glad I did. Their egos got to big and I decided I had enough. I did not want to see them close it, but can't say I will be shedding any tears over it.
Is it time for "Ole Fred" to come back and rescue this now pitiful blog from non-extistance? It was Ole Fred that took this blog over after it was first given to a SC wannabe. That same "wannbe" has quickly fallen off of the map of local politics, seems like it was all about #1 with him too! Well, what do you think?
Time to make The Patriot the "SOLE BLOG" in Peabody?? Please let us know. Could the original "Ole Pat" step out from behind the screens to run it through the '09 elections? I hear that the weather in Jupiter FL. isn't much better than here right now!
Whaddaya think?
Anon, I don't understand. Are you saying that you posted on the Patriot the "Is it time for Ole Fred...etc" and this caused the site to shut down??? What is the big significance to this post? Are you trying to "out" KD as the new Pat Patriot? He runs his own blog as it is, why go undercover as Pat? Who are these city hall guys you speak of? Name names if you have them. I have always enjoyed the Peabody Patriot - with exception to the bickering about who is who - and will miss it if it is gone for good. Thanks to PI, we still have a forum to discuss the issues. I, for one have always been a fan of PI and I look forward to his posts. They are always backed with good information to solidify his arguements. Keep this site going, PI!
A post is from the Blog Owner. A comment is from the Blog Reader. Now go back and reread my comment.
how many iterations of "the Patriot" can there be? The main reason the blog fails is because of all the cloak and dagger stuff. If the blog's owner posted his real name, required users to register to comment, and stayed topical with serious discussion, I think it would be beneficial instead of merely juvenile as it is.
Just got home from visiting Mom... it is her day after all... and now this...
I am going to make a new post and see if I can move these comments to it instead of this post... or maybe just make a new one here.
Sorry Anon, I guess I misunderstood your comment. So this was the final post, huh? Were there any comments to go with it that you saw? Sounds like whoever was running it just got tired of it and wants to pass it off again. It is, however, YOU who claim to have names from city hall for some reason or another. Any info you want to share about that?
No nothing to share at this time.
I would prefer that there NOT be the naming of people who are NOT political figures or otherwise civic leaders in Peabody. In other words, unless someone has taken the effort to become a 'public figure' and asks for your vote into office, accepts a position within our government or is a notable local figurehead, then I think the rest of the City is NOT fair game for name calling or "outing" as it has been called.
If people wish to tell us who they are, fine. If people wish to remain Anon, well okay. I would prefer that people pick a name and stick with it - all the while remaining anonymous, but in that case we can at least have a way to know who we are talking to.
And, actually... YES. I am as curious as anyone and a little gossip is like candy for our Id... so I too am interested in the intrigue, but I am not interested in running a blog that is all about that type of exchange.
My head is killing me from laughing so hard. This is classic, 1 down.
You are getting quite a kick out of this and it seems as though you would like to se the demise of ALL the Peabody blogs. Yet here you are reading and commenting. If all of the blogs were eliminated then what would you do for entertainment? You obviously have some sort of interest in these sites or you would not have logged into them in the first place. So what is your point about laughing your ass off? I don't see much humor in losing a forum that people can sound off on. It's almost like losing a piece of freedom of speech or the right to vote. I see this as a sad event.
Stop your killing me this is so funny, I just shot milk from my nose.
Let's attempt to keep the discourse at an adult level gentlemen.
If you wish to participate LR, then do so. If not, ignore this.
Its to bad the Patriot does not think enough of his fans that he just deleted it. Did he at least ask you or KD if you wanted the Patriot webpage?
Hi Anon:
I can't speak for KD but I got no notice of this. I was away, but checked my email and nothing.
I actually LIKE having multiple points of view and a different 'take' on the issues... even though I have had some serious concerns about how others sometimes run things.
I hope that the Peabody Patriot (or some new entity) joins us in expressing other views on the important issues of the day as far as Peabody citizens are concerned.
I have been looking for topics of interest.
Except for the school budget discussion (which KD has covered extensively at Peabody Elections.) I have seen very little to comment or discuss as of late.
Any ideas? I certainly will consider them.
I think we need more discussion of State issues. Particularly pertaining to how our local reps vote at the state level. Not enough attention is put towards this, thus the same old incumbents get voted back in.
Your thoughts??
I say we discuss the City Council race. I hear a lot of good things about Tony Carli. I think he is the right man for the job and from what I hear, is the man to beat.
These are good suggestions. I was going to kind of leave the ramping up to the elections to the other blog, but these are important issues for the City.
The State Reps... well this is a very appropriate topic. Now, I have some insights into the way City government runs and some of the folks involved around here... The State House is a very different can of worms (literally.)
I have some feelings towards the Reps for Peabody... Joyce Spiliotis and Ted Speliotis are frankly not my favorite people for different reasons, while I do have a genuine liking for Freb Berry.
Let me give these ideas a little time and I will make some posts to open up the discussion.
You know what "Insider"?
Many people thought that the many "Peabody Patriots" or "Pats", as they called themselves were anti-Bonfanti. You know what??
I agree!
So, I'll ask this; If you,(the person controlling the Patriot domaine) still want people to have a place to debate, I will do it.
If you truly care about Peabody you will e-mail me at
I don't play the grammar and spelling police games here. Obviously that was a typo. As long as people can get their message across... I usually let it slide.
Now, Peabody Rocks... I am guessing that while you started by addressing me... you are really looking for one of the PP operatives. Sorry but all the contact emails I had have been terminated along with the blog.
to anon 3:08,
isn't Barry Osborne, the incumbent, the man to beat?
OG says...
frankly OG is a bit weary with the constant change and shady Peabody Patriot leadership...not only does this 'change ' tarnish any credibility that might exist but it also shows that the real value and mission of this blog has been misguided, misled and this point I really don't give a hoot about Old Pat, New Pat, Pat Patriot, The Patriot or "who's it gonna be today" Patriot.
I concur, OG. The Patriot or whatever version it is has outlived its usefulness. But, then again, so hasn't the moniker "dark city." While I am at it, anonymous postings have out lived their usefulness, too. So I am out of here.
OG says...
thanks...don't let the door hit your ass on the way out...thanks for remaining anonymous and leading by example.
OG says...
thanks...don't let the door hit your ass on the way out...thanks for remaining anonymous and leading by example.
I will agree that it is difficult to follow all the bumps and starts (and restarts) over at the Peabody Patriot... but it is really quite a bit of work to make something like this fly... so I am not throwing stones.
I would welcome any and all folks who wish to blog and discuss the issues of the day.
Now as for anonymity... I prefer to remain anonymous. However I also have taken and keep a consistent name so that I have some sort of track record for other folks to follow. And I would prefer that others follow suit, but some either don't know how or wish to learn and others just don't want to do it. Fair enough.
Now why I remain anonymous is another issue entirely... and I am sure that for each anon there are personal reasons for this. One of my biggest is that even if I said I was JOHN SMITH at 123 MAIN ST... there is no proof that is who I am. Also, these forums are such that it is VERY EASY to have one's meaning taken entirely opposite from what was originally intended. And the most important (maybe) is that I wish to be free to express my feelings about people I know, knew, worked with, work for, hang out with, meet on the street, etc. etc.
Who knows. One day I might decide to run for an elected office. If that day comes I would not like to have every single random thought that passed through my head and into my blog postings to come back to haunt me.
I try to give my personal opinion, backed up by experience and facts as best as I can, and discuss these issues openly with others who choose to do the same.
But I think of these blogs as more like a bunch of benches in the park or the back few tables of the coffee shop where different folks can get together and chat about the issues they care about. Sometimes you wish you hadn't said this or that... other times you wish you thought to say something different... but those incidents don't haunt you forever.
This is why I have cautioned KD and RT Forte NOT to engage in public blog exchanges with other folks (especially anon's) because it will come back to bite you and you have no way of "winning" an argument... only hurting yourself.
So if you choose to go, farewell. You are welcome back anytime. And if you wish to be anon then as well... fine.
OG says.....
I agree that KD and RDiforti cannot simply use this forum as a personal political campaign vehicle and bully would be nice if they could but it just doesn't work that way...if they want to put up their own website then that's a different story...but let me tell you this PI--some of our readers are curious about guys like you and me because we seem to make sense, seem reasonable and from time to time we make a hell of a lot of sense and that is what they are looking for in potential candidates....I was watching the SC meeting last night and I have to tell you that there are few people on that Committee who are simply not the sharpest knives in the drawer. I will always respect their desire to be involved but we can do better here in Dark City but we somehow need to get better candidates into the fray.
I agree for the need of better candidates. This is why I think Tony Carli will be a breath of fresh air for the city. Carli is the right man for the job.
What is it about Tony Carli that makes him the right guy? Please...tell all!
I hear that he is out walking and talking, but I live in Ward 1 and have never seen or heard from the guy.
Tony, if your watching (and I know you are), how can I or any other ward 1 voters contact you?
Are you willing to put your contact info here for people to actually get to know you and ask you questions?
If not, stop hyping up your political campaign by commenting as an anonymous poster.
Hey Pete-
Why are you assuming that the Anon post is from Tony? Do you not think it possible for him to actually have some supporters? I do not live in his ward, but I have met the man and found him to be an interesting and viable candidate for the position. There is also no way that you can tell for sure that he is monitoring these blogs. I believe that his contact information had been posted on the old Patriot site before they folded so it's not like he's been hiding from anyone. If he has pulled papers for the ward 1 race then I'm sure you can get his contact info from city hall.
I have been trying to think how to best handle the upcoming elections discussions that are sure to become more prevalent as we approach the big day.
It is difficult if not impossible to have multiple 'top level' posts here on blogger, so the races would all need to have a link on the main page that points to an older post... and that is where comments would be made.
The problem is that no one will see if there are any new comments without clicking through all of the links.
Well... it is worth a shot. I will also see if I can REVERSE the order of the comments so that NEW ONES are at the top... that way it will be easy to see if something new has been added or not.
The side discussions are up! See the links one the main page in the far left column.
I could not get the comments to list from new to old though... so it will just be the normal last comments are at the end style.
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