Congratulations to all the candidates in this primary.
And good luck to both leaders in the November elections.
Ward 1 City Councilor Primary was held Tuesday, September 15, 2009.
Peabody Patriot is reporting:
Just a public service here, no editorializing.
The Salem News: Carli says city residents aren't seeing any results
The Salem News: A newcomer, Forti says he is full of 'fresh ideas'
The Salem News: Osborne touts the ability to help his constituents
Peabody Polling Locations are in this brief article in the Peabody Weekly News:
The polls will open on Tuesday at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. and are at the same locations as in citywide elections. Ward 1 residents in precincts 1 and 3 can vote at St. Ann’s Church on Lynn Street, while Precinct 2 residents can vote at Woodbridge Assisted Living Facility at 240 Lynnfield St. (The Precinct 2 poll is no longer at the Peabody-Lynnfield YMCA.)
Any voters who will be out of the city on Tuesday or unable to make it to the polls because of a physical disability or religious observance may vote by absentee ballot. Call the City Clerk’s office at (978) 538-5756 for more information
I am not a resident of Ward 1 so I have little direct contact with any of these gentlemen. I will say this - that I welcome political competition and dislike uncontested races. I also demand that if someone asks me for my vote that they explain exactly why I should vote for them AND why they are the better choice for the office.
Good luck and please vote Ward 1