Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ward 1 Primary: Tuesday, 9/15/09

Congratulations to all the candidates in this primary.
And good luck to both leaders in the November elections.

Ward 1 City Councilor Primary was held Tuesday, September 15, 2009.

Peabody Patriot is reporting:


ust a public service here, no editorializing.

The Salem News: Carli says city residents aren't seeing any results

The Salem News: A newcomer, Forti says he is full of 'fresh ideas'

The Salem News: Osborne touts the ability to help his constituents

Peabody Polling Locations are in this brief article in the Peabody Weekly News:

The polls will open on Tuesday at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. and are at the same locations as in citywide elections. Ward 1 residents in precincts 1 and 3 can vote at St. Ann’s Church on Lynn Street, while Precinct 2 residents can vote at Woodbridge Assisted Living Facility at 240 Lynnfield St. (The Precinct 2 poll is no longer at the Peabody-Lynnfield YMCA.)

Any voters who will be out of the city on Tuesday or unable to make it to the polls because of a physical disability or religious observance may vote by absentee ballot. Call the City Clerk’s office at (978) 538-5756 for more information

I am not a resident of Ward 1 so I have little direct contact with any of these gentlemen. I will say this - that I welcome political competition and dislike uncontested races. I also demand that if someone asks me for my vote that they explain exactly why I should vote for them AND why they are the better choice for the office.

Good luck and please vote Ward 1


Anonymous said...

Carli has run a great campaign I've seen him out and about since at least may. He did well on both shows as well. Barry thinks he can do nothing like he does on the CC and still win lets prove him wrong on tuesday. Forti has been out too, but I wasn't impressed with him on You Make the Call, Dick had to bail him out. You're in tuff shape if you need dicks help!

Anonymous said...

That's funny about Carli. No one I know has ever seen the guy or received anything from him. As far as the you make the call show, never saw it, nor do I care to. I did read the SNEWS and it was pretty revealing. I'd say the one that's in tough shape is Carli on primary day. Look for Osborne and Forti to move on to the general election.

Anonymous said...

Forti ? The guy who couldnt't think of a motion to make on his first night in the council that guy right? The guy who said vote for me because I have a masters That guy? The guy who couldn't prioritize the 3 concerns of ward 1(he only gave 2)look for carlie and Barry . So if you didn't see him on the Jarvis show, You really didn't seem him on the candidate forum , thats cuz he didn't show.

Peabody_Insider said...

I also found it odd that a candidate for ANY government office would skip the one opportunity to address a large number of potential voters while meeting his opponents in an open forum.

I thought it was also quite humorous to hear his supporters telling us all how it didn't matter that he didn't show up and Keith even proclaiming that it isn't really our right to ask him why he didn't bother to show up.

These people are asking us for something VERY VERY precious... our votes. They need to do everything they can to help us decide.

If I were a ward one resident I think that the decision not to show up for a televised forum might help me decide.

the Outfront Guy* said...

OG says....
the fact that we only provide ONE opportunity to show up tells me something...the political energy and interest are quite low here in Dark City....the fact that we place no real demands on these candidates to earn our votes may sound old fashioned but should be it the very core of it all..shouldn't it? but none of this surprises me because this is the way it always is !!

Anonymous said...

I understand the preliminary is near and you're trying to spin whatever you can for your candidate, but I watched the show and that isn't what happened at all. Overall, I thought the show was a farce, because who ever had to answer last had the benefit of taking from the first two answers. And, being from ward 2, I don't know why for the life of me why I had to sit through a show listening to people running for another ward talking about an issue in my ward. Shouldn't Athas have been the one answering that question?

Peabody_Insider said...

It would have been nice to see some real debate. Like if the non partisan Peabody League of Women voters had held a forum for the Ward 1 race... and then later one for all the contested races... wouldn't that be a great way to get a chance to learn more about these folks who want our votes?

That being said... I wager that such an event would cost plenty and take lots of time and all for what? A few (think 10's of people) folks who probably already are simply out to support 'their' candidate.

Apathy is high in Peabody... and most other places these days.

Anonymous said...

most do not not even know what shows you are all talking about. Forums? What??

I am not from ward 1, however I grew up there and know people there.


Anonymous said...

In regards to the anon 7:26am.

Where did you see Carli " out and about" ? Maybe at the grocery store. I live in ward 1 and don't even know what the man looks like. I have never seen a piece of campaign literature from the man. The propaganda is rediculous. It seems to me that Mr. Carli would like you to beleive he has done work that he obviously has not. It seems to me he is no more than another Russ Donovan, hoping to win an election with little or no effort. You must meet the people to get there vote. Good Luck to Barry and Mr. Forti in the general.

Needham's Corner said...

PI, I think the Greater Peabody League of Women Voters expired from lack of interest. Which exactly makes OG's point.

It's too bad: it is a great nonpartisan organization that actually STUDIES issues before reporting. Unlike the blogosphere.

Peabody_Insider said...

Yet again, PI stands corrected.

Peabody_Insider said...

I just wanted to add something to my previous comments.

I also found it odd that a candidate for ANY government office would skip the one opportunity to address a large number of potential voters while meeting his opponents in an open forum.


If I were a ward one resident I think that the decision not to show up for a televised forum might help me decide.

Now... I think those are indeed still valid points. However, I would not allow a single action (unless it was something truly awful) to push me towards or away from any candidate.

I live in Ward 4, not Ward 1. We supposedly have a race on in my Ward... but I haven't seen nor heard nor received so much as a postcard from the man trying to unseat a long time council member.

If someone came to my door, or spoke to me by phone, or even sent me a letter or postcard and in it asked me to contact him (or her) to discuss his candidacy, that might indeed have a bigger influence on me than missing one forum.

Just to set the record straight.

Anonymous said...

Osborne wins 2-1.

Anon for a reason. said...

So PI,

"I live in Ward 4, not Ward 1. We supposedly have a race on in my Ward... but I haven't seen nor heard nor received so much as a postcard from the man trying to unseat a long time council member.

If someone came to my door, or spoke to me by phone, or even sent me a letter or postcard and in it asked me to contact him (or her) to discuss his candidacy, that might indeed have a bigger influence on me!"

The above statement is one of your own. When exactly is the last time Driscoll knocked on your door?

Just Curious?

Instead of being an internet-anon "wishing to be visited", why not call or e-mail the folks that are putting their names out there to fight for YOU? I am sure their contact info is on their literature.

Peabody_Insider said...

I saw Bob Driscoll at my door the day he came by and asked for people to sign his petition papers to run for ward councilor.

Now that was the last time I saw him, and he has not campaigned at my door yet.

As far as my feelings about who needs to do the work in an election - meaning is it MY JOB to do the research about a candidate or is it THEIR JOB to come to me and let me know...

I would say it is certainly a two way street. Last campaign for ward councilor I was told that Bob Driscoll had a challenger (L'Talien(sp?))... but I never heard a peep from him, nor saw an ad in the paper, nor got a note in the mail. So I decided that he was actually not a viable candidate for this position since part of that job is communication with the people you represent...

And further... as a challenger to a popular incumbent it is even MORE his responsibility to make some sort of pitch to me and all the other voters as to why he deserves my vote.

Now as for MY need to find information in order to be a responsible voter. Very true. I am publishing below the entire content of My Grayson's Election website...

Dear Friends and Neighbors,
I am asking you to consider me for Ward 4 Councilor. I feel strongly that I can contribute to the City of Peabody and would like the opportunity to prove that.
As a member of the City Council I would work to move this city forward and help it realize it's full potential. We need to get the most out of our services while maintaining our livable tax rate.
I hope to offer a fresh viewpoint and contribute new ideas. I promise to listen to you and to represent all the citizens of Ward 4.
Sincerely, Jeff Grayson

Not a bad letter... but it tells me nothing. It might be 100% true, but as it stands alone, it is empty rhetoric.

IF you have new ideas... TELL US!
IF you have a fresh viewpoint... EXPLAIN IT!

I might be wwwaaaayyyyyy off base here, but I actually demand more for my vote than this.

I went on Mr. Grayson's Facebook page and asked him just these questions and I am eager to see his reply.

Anonymous said...

Look at the Patriot he has the count...

the Outfront Guy* said...

OG says..
hey PI....OG snuck a peak at mr grayson's facebook page and I am not seeing any reply to your request for it's only been a couple of days since you asked but if I were you I would lower your expectations...Mr Grayson appears to be a well intended family guy but where is the beef ? You and I can run on rhetoric and sometimes that will get you to the finish line but in order to beat incumbents here in Dark City you need to bring the real beef and all I am seeing with Mr Grayson is hamburger so far...would you agree as a Ward 4 resident ?

the Outfront Guy* said...

OG says..
hey PI....OG snuck a peak at mr grayson's facebook page and I am not seeing any reply to your request for it's only been a couple of days since you asked but if I were you I would lower your expectations...Mr Grayson appears to be a well intended family guy but where is the beef ? You and I can run on rhetoric and sometimes that will get you to the finish line but in order to beat incumbents here in Dark City you need to bring the real beef and all I am seeing with Mr Grayson is hamburger so far...would you agree as a Ward 4 resident ?

Peabody_Insider said...

Well OG...

I actually saw Mr. Grayson on the street the other day. He had already passed my house (and I didn't recognize him at first) until I got his literature in the door.

And, again, not heavy on the specifics, but he was out there. I might actually call him to see what he is thinking for the ward.

I am not an overly huge fan of Driscoll. He often seems to be participating more out of habit rather than passion, and his very low key way of dealing with issues can be a little off-putting to many people. Probably where the 'sleepy' moniker comes from.

That being said, when he shrugs his shoulders about not being able to do anything about something... he is usually correct. The way things work in Peabody is that nothing really changes. You can jump up and down and bang your fist and act up for the cameras... or you can shrug your shoulders and move on... but both usually have the same ultimate result... very little changes.

I hope Mr. Grayson responds to me. I actually wasn't trying to be snotty when I wrote on his facebook page. I really want to know these things! But perhaps it will be taken wrong.

On a side note... I think candidates who put up these campaign blogs or facebook pages... and do NOT have comment moderation enables are nuts! I mean, I feel like I tried to be reasonable and fain in my questions... but I could have written almost any kind of rant against the guy and if NO ONE CHECKS IT... as I am betting is the case, it will stay up for days or weeks!

It is kind of like being a politician and posting on the bolgs (using your real name) - I see very little, if any, upside and only a HUGE DOWNSIDE.

Anonymous said...

Hi PI,

I think that what you'll find in Grayson is a person that cares for the city of Peabody. He has kids, therefore he probably in VERY interested in strengthening the public school system.

I will shoot from the hip here...(because I am not Jeff), but why would a candidate that is running for election that is putting his/her name out there to try and make a positive impact on the city in which he chose to live and raise a family answer questions to an "anonymous blogger?"

There is plenty of contact info on his facebook page, heck...if you really wanted to know you could simply pick up the phone and call him. Now, I'm not going to just sit here at the computer and call all of the anons and people with "handles" such as yours cowards, but c'mon.

If Jeff and the other "newbies" did not give a shit about Peabody, than why would they even be running? Are you happy to see the worst councilor in the history of Peabody (Dave Gamache) not even have to put up a sign? Are you happy to hear that candidates such as James Liacos and Anne Manning are not going to work to retain their seats?

Is this the type of leadership that you and OG want here in "The Dark City"?? You now have a choice, people out there have been screaming change. There is no longer an excuse.

***IF you want to have to wake up the ward 4 councilor during the meetings so he can vote, then YOU might as well place the rubber stamp on the ballot as he does with his votes.

***IF you feel comfortable with At-Large candidates publicly stating that their "incumbancy" will prevail, and they do not have to work, then ink up that stamp.

***AND now we're on to the mayor's race, Are you happy with Bonfanti? I'm not. Would Russ Donovan do a better job? Who knows? Are you or I willing to take that chance? I MIGHT!

***Light Commissioner, it is a shoe-in- Paras and Wheatley. Anybody that votes for Bonfanti has a serious problem. The mayor already controls the school committee...we also know he controls the city ARE YOU GOING TO GIVE HIM THE PMLP TOO?

And while we are her talking/typing, you seem to have no problem asking the candidates/elected officials to respond to your questions...well, what precint of ward 4 do YOU reside? Street?


the Outfront Guy* said...

OG says...
let me jump in are suggesting that the voter take the bulk of the initiative and I disagree...the voter should be watching and reading but the candidate should be the one actively reaching out as aggressively as possible--especially when running against a well entrenche incumbent who has an unstained reputation here in Dark City...if Mr Grayson really wants to win he must work that what you are suggesting PI?

Anonymous said...

Sad to see Carli go-it was obviously a popualrity contest-c'mon people if Forti can't even tell us what he's going to tackle first on live t.v.....please! Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

Hang it up Carli, you lost. Time to move on.

Peabody_Insider said...


You wrote:

And while we are here talking/typing, you seem to have no problem asking the candidates/elected officials to respond to your questions...well, what precinct of ward 4 do YOU reside? Street?


I am guessing you meant that towards me(?).

I wonder why it is important for you to wish to meet me. I am betting it isn't because you want to buy me a beer or give me a dozen roses. You are simply trying to point out that I am anonymous to you all.

This is true. I mean we all know it and 99% of us on here are also anon. I will not point out the hypocrisy of an anon bemoaning my anonymity...

While I agree with you that as a candidate I might not choose to respond to anonymous questions or statements... I would also not welcome the same. By virtue of his Facebook page this is exactly what he has done.

Also... if you read what I asked him, you will see it is NOT UNREASONABLE and it is probably what every single voter wants to know in Ward 4. And, I will point out, is NOT answered in either his webpage, facebook page or campaign literature (at least what I have seen.)

So I guess my response to you is... I am NOT asking for your vote. I am simply on this blog commenting on issues of the day, making observations and finding (and sharing) information I find and offering some of my personal expertise on these issues.

I would bet you actually know MUCH MORE ABOUT MY POSITIONS ON ISSUES IN THIS CITY THAN AN CANDIDATE RUNNING FOR OFFICE. They will 'color' their words and often 'play to the crowds' and always spin spin spin. Not all but most.

Maybe my anonymity allows me more latitude because I can say something (90% of the time with some facts or proof to back it up, ie not just opinion) while being named would be more problematic when I need to interact with the people I am commenting on.

That being said, I do not post as anon... you know my words as PI's and I take responsibility for those words. Many times I am correct but other times I am wrong. When I am wrong I say so and try and fix the situation. I also AM OPEN TO COMMENTS AND OTHER INFORMATION and sometimes change my opinion.

Admitting to begin wrong and changing my opinion at times actually kinda sets me apart from others who have been blogging about this City. At least in my opinion.

So, no. I am not inviting you over for tea and scones. I am not telling you who I am. I am fairly certain that some people could find out (especially government people with access to computer info) but I am not outing myself as I see no benefit to me... or you.

I continue to welcome your comments and thank for participating.

Anonymous said...

Residents in Ward One had an excellent chance of having a true hero representing them in Carli. Those that took the time to get to know him knew he was the right man for the job. I am lucky I had the chance to know know him and proud to have held his sign. He should have won. I will not vote for either of the two remaining losers and am seriously considering moving out of this ward as the people here seem to not want to be represented by the best. Carli ran a great campaign and should be our councillor!

As another post somewhere mentioned the possibility of someone conducting a write in campaign, I think Carli should - let's get it started. We can still have Carli for Ward One City Council!

Anonymous said...

Hey: is still up.

Please visit and contact him. Let's urge him to run as a write in!

Anonymous said...

This is begining to get sad. As another poster wrote, it is time to move on.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea!!! Let's convince all the
candidates who got trounced in primaries to run on a sticker campaign. Its a sure way to help the incubants get reelected. Use some common sence.

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