Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy New Year Everyone!

This past year has been one of the tough ones. So many people having difficulties; some because they were playing it a little too close for comfort, but many others who have been suffering due to no fault of their own.

Some are saying nothing good has come from this past year, but I disagree. There are many who have left us and others who have risen to high places. Times are hard, but they are not hopeless.
I look forward to closing the book on this first decade of the 21st century - not because it was only filled with sorrow and trouble because it was not. No, I look forward to the great potential that a new decade might bring... to new triumphs and new opportunities, to new ideas and new possibilities.

I know that this City, this State, this Country and our World can be a better place when each of us is willing to consider other points of view and to seek consensus with sound reason for all our mutual benefit. After all, we are ALL in this together... no matter what any one of us may think.

I wish you peace and joy, good health
and good fortune this coming year.


Anonymous said...

Wake up, PI!

Peabody_Insider said...

Fair enough.

Anonymous said...

Is PI really Tiger Woods and the blog has been silent because they don't offer internet access in sex therapy?

Hope all is well..your commentary is missed on recent events, like the historic Senate campaign or the Peabody SC opting out of the Race to the Top program.

WHOGAF said...

How about the recent supreme court decision to allow corporations and unions unlimited funding to support candidates and bills before congress? This has got to be the most influential decision of late affecting a country supposedly run by "government by the people, for the people". How can such a decision even be constitutional? Can we the people sue the supreme court for breach of contract? This is nothing more than a license to brainwash!

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." - Thomas Jefferson

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." - Winston Churchill

Anonymous said...

Where are you, PI? I was hoping this blog would be back by now...I am still waiting for a place to have adult discussions about our wonderful city! The TT is a disgrace and the Patriot is are our only hope.

Anonymous said...

Can we at least get a "farewell post?"

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Photo credit: Elizabeth Thomsen, CCL