Thursday, June 3, 2010

The future of Downtown: Medical Hub?

I have been trying to find out more information about the plan for a "Medical Hub" for Downtown Peabody that Councilor Bettencourt brought to the City Council several weeks back. I was not at that meeting and I do not have cable so I, like so very many Peabody residents, did not get the opportunity to see this plan as presented.

I do not like to critique plans I have never seem, nor would I wish to point out flaws that might have been addressed in some fashion during the presentation by Councilor Bettencourt. And so I asked (via facebook email) if he would share a copy of this powerpoint presentation either with me, or in some online venue, so that everyone might have the opportunity to see this much talked about plan for Peabody's future.

Sadly, but not unexpectedly, I received no response, nor did any such public presentation become available (to my knowledge - and I have been looking for it).

So I am going to give my response to this plan based entirely on the reports of the presentation made to the City Council which appeared in local media.

In general... bringing new businesses into the downtown area is a good idea for Peabody. We should be looking for a wide array of activities to populate our downtown.

We have some very old and decrepit industrial areas that are mostly underused and in some cases abandoned as this type of activity is not going to be done in places like Peabody for the foreseeable future (despite what many of the previous Ward 3 councilors have hoped and wished for... it ain't coming back.)

We have some areas that have been newly renovated - for better or worse - mostly in the southern area of downtown. We have a rather eclectic (bizarre?) mix of uses along the real Main St. area - some that seem to be serving limited populations (specialty toy train stores, fofo's, Brazillian fashions) while others are serving the community at large (drug stores, grocery stores, restaurants, services, etc.).

In general the more consumer oriented enterprises occur on Main Street and in the Square, while the more business oriented activities are on the Walnut Street side. This might have worked well in the days of bustling industry here in Peabody... but those days are gone, and good riddance to them in my opinion. It is time to stop looking to the PAST to try and find some hope for Peabody's future. But that is a rant for a different time and place.

So this brings us to the idea put forth by Councilor Bettencourt. My take on this is that he would like to see downtown become a 'medical hub' of businesses that are ancillary to the more comprehensive and brand new or newly renovated facilities that surround our area.

New facilities at Centennial Park and MGH North and mostly renovated facilities at Lahey Clinic, North Shore Medical Center and more. Councilor Bettencourt is correct that we have already become a medical hub of sorts for the North Shore region.

But lets examine why these places are where they are... and specifically NOT in downtown Peabody. All these new or renovated facilities are located where there is excellent access via the highway for patient, and business, convenience as well as tons of free parking . They are not locating in downtown Salem or Peabody precisely because access into and out of these areas is very difficult, if not impossible, at certain times of the day and space (thus parking) is at a premium.

So if I am a Doctor or an HMO and I am looking to locate my offices/out patient service centers... I am NOT looking to move into a decrepit, industry waste strewn, impossible to access, flood prone area in Peabody with little to no parking and no real connection to the facilities I am currently visiting (NSMC, MGH, Lahey, etc.) Why in the world would these types of higher end medical facilities look to move into downtown Peabody when much better locations adjacent to these main facilities already exists? They wouldn't.

So if the primary (hospitals) and the secondary (Doctor offices and HMO Centers - think MRI, CAT Scan, etc.) are not really going to be interested in Peabody as it is today... what medical uses might be of interest? Frankly, the only businesses that I can think of that would be interested in a location which is equidistant from these major hospitals is medical warehousing and medical reclamation (waste disposal). This seems like the most logical usage for the area if we are going to focus on 'medical hub' services.

And of course that would be a HORRIBLE IDEA for Peabody and the future of Downtown.

You know what... I actually LIKE people who are willing to think outside the box on issues. They often throw out outlandish ideas that may contain a little nugget of a great ideas at times! They also might be completely full of it! Councilor Bettencourt has made two of these VERY PUBLIC, very outlandish and very self promoting pronouncements in the recent past. I recall the idea that the Dearborn affordable housing funds be used to pay for low income folks energy bills as one of these ideas, and this is yet another.

Here is the RIGHT WAY to serve the People of Peabody when you get a GREAT IDEA but have no real clue if it is actually worth anything...

Step 1: Go to the City's Experts on these subjects
We are paying planners, engineers, assessors, lawyers, construction professionals, etc. to be part of the City's management team! Why would you a) work without consultation with these expert people and 2) in some cases work against their recommendations?

Step 2: Seek other inputs from outside City Hall
Arthur Gordon is (was?) the largest landowner in the Downtown area, but he is not the only owner who would need to "buy into" this idea in order to a) get it passed and ultimately to b) make it actually happen.

Step 3: Talk about your ideas to the people most affected by them to gauge their opinions, input and ideas
This is so important. People really do not like to see a brand new idea brought out in a venue like the City Council meeting as a Final and Complete Deal! It makes people nervous that deals were made and that few were considered in the thought process. I am not saying this is actually happening, but it is the perception. And in reality, it is the people who live and work and own businesses and drive through and visit and shop and eat, etc. in Downtown who will be the ones who will make this ultimately become a thriving community again... or just have this be yet another failed 'gee whiz' idea with no real foresight or long term plan.

Step 4: Present your ideas to the government body most appropriate to look into the matter and seek to begin the process of thoughtful public discussion
And this is why I was hoping that Councilor Bettencourt would release his plan... so we could all see it and think about the consequences of his ideas and then allow each of us to make our judgement of the idea on the merits, and not the rhetoric we will be sure to hear in the local media.

So, I for one, think this is NOT a good idea for the future of Downtown Peabody.


WHOGAF said...

Kind of a long-winded post there, PI, but not without several good points and facts surrounding the Downtown problem. First and foremost in the Downtown woes has to be LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! There is no direct highway access, it's a major pain in the ass to get there from any direction, and once you arrive, there's no place to park that would be considered convenient. Unless you can come up with a way of making the drive into Downtown easy, it will never be a hub for anything. It is also one of the smaller Downtown areas around. Next comes the buildings themselves which are deplorable at best. The scope of renovation required to accommodate most kinds of medical facilities would be nothing short of knocking the buildings down altogether - probably not a bad idea! Why would anyone want to put that much into a building when there is so much available closer to where the medical facilities currently are and would take much less work to set up? Not to mention the accessibility factor. No, a medical hub in the Downtown is certainly not a feasible idea. Being the Leather City, perhaps we could have Downtown become the shoe store capital of the world.

Now why would TB put out such an idea without consulting city planners, experts and building owners first? Simply put, he's a politician and a politician wants publicity. If this had been a great idea and he had consulted these people first, some inside source would likely have brought it to either the Mayor or TB's upcoming opponent and they would have announced such a plan ahead of TB, stealing his thunder and getting credit for it. Get the idea out there, even if it's wrong, and show the people that you are a thinker and concerned about the welfare of the city. Let the city planners and experts go over it later. Name recognition of any kind is good for politicians. Get your name out there in the papers for all to see. All they want is for you to remember their name in the voting booth and not necessarily the reason why you remember it as long as you put an "X" next to their name. TB is just playing the game of politics.

We are still stuck with a Downtown without a purpose. I say flood it - it doesn't need our help there - put back the beach and hire a few lifeguards in the summer and have ice skating in the winter. Let the traffic go around the Downtown. Most of us try to anyway.

Sorry. A long-winded post just screams for a long-winded reply...

Anonymous said...

Your post was right on most points. I couldn't imagine doctors relocating their offices downtown either, for all the reasons you mentioned.

I really hope that our next mayor has their eyes completely fixed on shaping Peabody's future. The idea of renovating downtown would cost millions upon millions of dollars without guarantee that the redevelopment (or creation of a downtown Medical Hub) would be a success. Take that proposed money and put it into infrastructure improvements that could benefit the ENTIRE city population. Repave every street and sidewalk in the city within the next four to five years. Put up new street signs. Imagine the neighborhood you live in with repaved streets and sidewalks. It would be a major sign of progress for Peabody and guess what? It would benefit everyone and would, hopefully, give them more pride about living in a modern city. It's a great way to recruit the next generation of taxpayers, before they choose comparable towns like Danvers or Beverly (which are building and/or renovating new high schools - another great recruiting tool for new families). Peabody is a great city for many reasons, but has SO MUCH great potential with some new leadership.

the Outfront Guy* said...

OG says...
Greetings! OG has been disgusted by the lack of progress, ideas, vision and political activity here in Dark City and despite my quasi-retirement for the past few months it truly appears that NOTHING has really changed....Teflon Teddy wants downtown to become a medical hub? what is he smoking? Mayor Mike wants to close a school out in West Peabody and he is being lambasted for even thinking about it when in fact it may make all the sense in the world?? Once again we decide we can do without an Asst School Superintendent and then we wonder why things like MCAS scores never trend up?? Not a damn bit of new news as far as OG is concerned....not a damn think missed after all this time...this has got to be the most politically inert zip code in Essex County...

Gardner Park said...

Gardner Park is back (never really left),

Ladies/Gents - My lomg debated (on these blogs) idea to stumulate business for our downtown is the least intrusive cost wise, has the potential to tie-in existing downtown area historical venues and provide downtown merchants, restaurants, etc...with new business revenue.

Similar to the riskier and more costly proposals being floated (pun intended) idea has never been tried.


the Outfront Guy* said...

OG says..
GP..God love ya...some day I will find you sitting on top of the monument down in Dark City Square....we have been beating our heads against the sidewalk way too long on this downtown's more exciting watching paint dry...rigor mortis has set in on this issue...someone check the vitals on this issue because OG truly believes that this topic has flat lined on us.

Anonymous said...

dead blog.

WHOGAF said...

Here's a good post to get a discussion going, PI. Is anyone aware of what is going to come into effect at the end of this year? I'm talking about the inheritance tax that is set to be re-instated at the end of this year. GW Bush had eliminated this tax a few years back, but the only way he got it through was by putting a limit on how long it would be gone. That date is the end of 2010. Beginning in January 2011, the inheritance tax jumps back up to 55%!!! You heard me right, 55%! That, for those of you out there who don't understand percentages, means that if you are left an inheritance, the government will take 55 cents out of every dollar that is left to you. This is an absolute outrage, particularly when you consider that most, if not all of the money being left to heirs in estates has ALREADY been taxed. Obama could encourage an extension or even eliminate it all together, but have you ever met a Democrat that didn't like a tax? We need to get a grass-roots movement going to ensure that people can leave their money to their children and NOT to the government! There is precious little time left before this benefit for the people ends and it becomes a benefit for the government.

Anonymous said...

PI is a hack!
Do everyone a favor and shut down this facade of a blog.

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Photo credit: Elizabeth Thomsen, CCL