Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Aggregate AND City to each make separate closure plans

Note: The link to the Peabody Weekly News story is NOT archived and will probably point to a different story within one weeks time.

It seems that Aggregate Industries is not really very interested in nailing down any specifics when it comes to this site in West Peabody. I believe that they are simply paying LIP SERVICE to the desires of the neighborhood (and thus the City Council) in order to look like GOOD NEIGHBORS when they present the expansion plans for the site.

From the article:

Colby said the company isn’t in the business of commercial or residential development, so they couldn’t just draft a plan for condos, per se.

“It’s hard to say what anyone would like to see there 30 or 40 years from now,” he said, adding that he could show the committee lots of “pretty pictures” of possible future options. He suggested that whatever is adopted should be flexible enough to revisit as economic changes necessitate (perhaps every five years), since the quarry operation will likely be running for another 20-30 years after the decision is made on a closure plan.

Aggregate has until Dec. 2009 to submit a closure plan and is still planning to propose an expansion of the quarry to the City Council. Residents keep asking Colby when that will be, which he has been reticent to put a definite date to.

“I don’t want to say something and not live up to it,” he said last week.

This sounds like a load of hog wash to me. If a huge company like Aggregate Industries does not have a corporate plan for this site in the works, then they are not a very well run company... and trust me, they are. They simply want to get the City to believe they are trying to "PLAY NICE" and look like they are working with the neighborhood, so that they can get their expansion approved and then continue BUSINESS AS USUAL.


Anonymous said...

The talk around city hall today is that Sean Fitzgerald resigned along with another individual.

Any word on this PRT?

Peabody_Insider said...

I know nothing... but am very curious. I have always known Sean to be a rather honorable individual and I do not see him involved in anything nefarious.

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