Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Once a tidal marsh, always a tidal marsh

Spent the early evening strolling around downtown (encountering several family groups enjoying the natural disaster scene) and taking photos of flooding (and the abandoned cars of the morons who thought - "oh, that police warning doesn't apply to ME; I can get through it!" Ha, ha, joke's on you, suckah. I hold photos of numerous abandoned cars, water to the engine block, as evidence.)

But seriously folks. The political scientist Halford Mackinder wrote in 1904, "Man initiates, but nature controls." He was thinking of Eurasia, but the same idea applies locally: we have natural watercourses, and they will prevail - and if humans have tried to manipulate them, well, then let's hope they REALLY understand what's going on.

For example: I stood on Sawyer St and watched the WAVES of water cascade over the st. It looked like the man-made granite-block channel of Proctor Brook wasn't even full, but the water found its way, over the street and through the Leather City Park.

(Which suggests: wouldn't it be smart to create other relief valves or bowls of topography in which the water could pool, without harm to traffic or business? The proposed park on Walnut St could be such a relief valve, and a much more "natural" approach to our flooding problem.) Or, we could just trust the engineers. Yeah, that'll work.

Any human solution is a manmade solution by definition, but some are more respectful of natural processes than others.


Anonymous said...


Needham's Corner said...

glad to know the chickadees are online...
Hey! Who's paying for their wifi???

Anonymous said...

Let me clear that up for you, NC, those are not chickens you are hearing....they are crickets.

Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Anonymous said...

Let me take the same tact that many have taken in regards to the failure that we call the Peabody school system.

I don't live downtown, I don't go downtown, & I don't give a shit about downtown. Fix it if you can, just as long as my taxes aren't raised.

Anonymous said...

To think he/she left Chelsea or Lawrence to get away from the slums for a better life . I wonder if he/she were a property owner who is now pissed that he has to pay taxes because he/she bought a home to live in instead of an apartment. I guess he/she didn't know how well off they were before moving to West Peabody. Selfish of him/her don't you think ?

Anonymous said...

Nope....born and bred in Peabody. Here roughly 35 years and very sad to see it become more and more like Chelsea & Lawrence everyday.

My kids are still a couple of years away from school, so I'm hoping to be out of here by then.

In the interim, hoping for some new leadership that will actually look to drive Peabody forward; rather than just "hunkering down".

As for the flooding, I agree with NC. You can't fight the law of nature. Half of the downtown are vacant lots anyhow, the other half poorly taken care of buildings. Let's flood it, turn it into a park/lake and let businesses pop up around it. It worked in Providence with the riverwalk, why not here (ofcourse on a smaller scale ofcourse).

Anonymous said...

Would it make it so much better for you and your family or make you and yours feel simply wonderful beyond your every wildest dream to leave Peabody ? How about if your now beloved West Peabody became a city or town on its own would you leave then? As for R.I. the water way in Providence when not in flood stage is a take in to see if your there . Your less beloved Peabody has water ways emptying into Salems North River that could become as is Providence is now in its use of the water ways in normal times. Oh!!please wait, I forgot R.I. is mostly under water having been declared a disaster area recently. I guess your bitch about down town Peabody is just a delusional dream your having because you haven't woken up as yet to see the reality of your foolish remarks about down town Peabody. I guess you'll just have to wait for the Essex Bituminus to leave so you can have a West Peabody community walk about and swimming hole all your own.

Anonymous said...

No, your right. The section between Main St and Walnut St is just lovely this time of year. There's just something about dilapidated buildings and open lots used as trash dumps that make me want to preserve it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anon. @ 822 . How many lots are open on Walnut Street full of trash? Last I knew the site opposite the leather factory and on the old former site of N.E, Sportswear was to be developed as an adult park to sit and enjoy with or with out kids by the adults in the area and those visiting down town. If there is any flooding of that area as has been then it cant make the park a total loss as it would if it were a kids park with all the things that go with it. Don't you remember that the planners said it was going to be a part of the river walk or did you forget that out of convienance? As for the area being run down you could have a point but a weak one at best. The area factories and other business owners would welcome the park and if there were anything as you describe as being dilapidated buildings and dirty lots they and the city would fix them , Because the down town is the oldest area of Peabody doesn't make it any worse than some areas of West Peabody. I've seen what you describe in all areas of the city . All you have to do is look for it and you will see for yourself. -- Are you leaving Peabody soon or are you going to wait for W.Peabody to be its own municipality with its own walk about and swimming hole on the Russell Street site of Essex Bituminus , Aggrigate ? Industries?

Anonymous said...

Your park sounds lovely. In fact, the way you describe the area, the park already exists. I guess the disagreement between us is just a matter of expectations.

I see vacant lots strewn with trash, you see a park.
I see a dilapidated downtown, you see a vibrant business district.
I question whether to invest in a flood plain, you say lets flood the aggregate plant instead.
I see a city in decline, you think Peabody is the greatest.

Boy do I wish I owned your glasses......

Anonymous said...

Twisted blog is down. Anybody know whats up?

Anonymous said...

The Walnut Street lot is vacant now but will not be if they make it into the park as designated for sitting and not recreation. When the water ways are finally dredged and widen where necessary the flooding will be minimal if not existent. - I didn't say to flood the aggregate property. I was refering to the now existing hole that will be filling up with water so you ,especially you, will be able to swim in. The walk about could start or end at the bike path and continue through to the Middleton line. What more tranquil settings can you have for your use and those who dare tread on the aggregate property!! What you do not seem to understand is that you can't invest in what you already have unless you want to improve on it. You have a down town that isn't really ,as you say ,is run down as you think. You see a city in decline and I see it as being reclaimable with proper planning and funding from all sources available. The problem with you is you appear to throw away things that are reusable . I am the opposite of you and until a thing is to far gone or just not repairable I'll use it . Its called modernizing reclamation of what is available. Yes I do have glasses ,rose colored or not,to see things for what they are . I do know you have to buy a pair for you to better see what is here ,there, and every where, instead of aimlessly stumbling about seeking a new place to live. -- You still haven't answered the question two or more times asked about your leaving or staying in W.Peabody . [ Talk about rose colored glasses!! Boy do you take the cake!!!!]

Anonymous said...

All the Peabody blogs are inactive...it's a very sad day indeed.

Anonymous said...

Once a boring blog, always a boring blog.

Anonymous said...

Why does this blog still exist if you aren't going to do anything with it? What's the point of remaining online? At least the TT had the decency to shut down...

The Twisted Tanner said...


try again.

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