Here is yet another example of how we actually hurt ourselves by underfunding the school system.
A new program is implemented by the school administration. Limited teacher training takes place. Little funding for the necessary equipment mean not enough of the required books. Too many children with special needs and language deficiencies (and not enough support staff to meet this needs).
And yet, most people will blame this all on the lazy teachers. Those "part-timers" who are getting a 12% raise in their (undeserved) incomes!
Perhaps we simply get what we are willing to pay for in this City. Wouldn't it be nice to see what might actually happen IF we properly equipped our classrooms AND the teachers in them with the tools to allow our students to truly excel?
Farewell Dark City....
12 years ago
OG says..
hold on now...let's be fair..don't blame all of this underfunding on the city...part of the blame goes the state and federal lack of sufficient funding..if you want to talk the talk then you need to walk the walk..
OG: I do not simply blame the City for underfunding our schools. Certainly the many unfunded mandates from both the State and the Feds are a huge part of the problem (mostly concerning the special needs and language issues), but the school system instituted this program and then didn't even supply the books needed.
How was that for good planning?
To Yuck:
Actually, the claim is that Mr. Peabody is NOT the Patriot... but that remains to be seen.
And if you seek unsubstantiated gossip... I hope it will not be here. Certainly I will not be "breaking" things I only speculate are true without some serious evidence.
And, if you look at the posts from today... one is on poorly run programs at the schools another is about the need for rezoning... call them NEWS articles if you wish but this is the point of a local politics blog.
At least if I have something to say about it.
lack of funds?
Nice name Pi
Blame it on anything but our 'education mayor'
OG says..
the taxpayers are partly to blame but only partly because they really can't hold any of our school administration directly accountable...but they can hold those elected people who put our school administration in place...and make no mistake that many educational mandates get passed along to all cities/towns without the necessary funding to do what may be a good concept's all can't point the finger in one direction!
Peabody Guy:
You asked, "Should we ask the city to take more from us?"
And the one word answer is YES. At least not be complaining about our high taxes and our low services... and demanding more and more cuts from all departments, including the school system.
We as a community need to make a decision about the things that are important to us. These are difficult economic times... but then again, when has it been anything else? I have NEVER HEARD people say... "Hey, times are GOOD! Let's pay MORE TAXES!" Doesn't happen and never will.
So I urge that we emphasize the school system when considering the limited budget we find ourselves with. And if we can't meet the minimums necessary for a well run school system... we need to pay more to meet that need.
PI are you saying the Admin can not find places to cut fat? Do we really need to pay more or can city hall take some perks away to show a pretty big savings? I think before we pay more taxes some cutting needs to be done in city goverment. Do we need all those inspectors? Do we need all those city owned vehicles? Do we need 500k in windows right now? Does the Mayor need three Sec and Sean? Do we need to be paying all kinds of fees for people not doing their job (example DC, Brophy, Bettencourt and watch Siderios soon enough). Where is the money for the scrape metal that is now gone? Where is the money for all wood that has been cut (before you say we get a price cut show me the aggreement)? How much is the bike path really costing us? Did everyone hear we have had our first Level 3 Sex Offender spotted hang out on the Bike Path. If you want to do a post on that let me know I have his name and can even get you picture of him. The Police have been called and are looking into it. But some parents have been proactive and are sending emails about with links to the register. Now I am not whining or trying to start a fight. I just want to know and be shown where my money is going. Is that to much to ask City Hall for?
Of course not. There is always some room here and there. But after many years under Mayor Torigian and now under Mayor Bonfanti... with the many increases in City expenses and not so many increases in our taxes... do you still think that there is a great many places left to cut?
But you really do NOT know the details of about 99% of what you are asking about.
Let's examine these question just a bit. They are actually good and fair question. but you seem to be asking them with the presumption that these people (or things) are really NOT necessary.
So, which is it. Are you genuinely interested in these issues and want to be better informed as to whether or not they are needed? Or are you simply making the accusation that OF COURSE NONE OF THIS IS NEEDED!
Do we need all those inspectors?
I would guess that yes we do need them. Why would you say that we don't need them?
Do we need all those city owned vehicles?
Does this Mayor (or the Previous one) seem like the type to happily pay for stuff that the City doesn't need? I don't know, but I wonder if there is more or less liability in having employees use their own vehicles in the performance of City business? My guess is that we have very close to the right amount of vehicles for the needs of the City.
Do we need 500k in windows right now?
Well, I guess I would say two things about this. First, we are not paying for this out of the City budget. Yes indeed, some of it comes from the CPA and some from the State, and some from grants and other sources. and Second, the reality is that there is NEVER a good time to be making these types of purchases or repairs. There is ALWAYS some thing more pressing in some people's opinion and there is NEVER enough money for everything.
I for one am very happy with the look of the new windows, both at City Hall and the Library. I think having your number one public building reflect the dignity that everyone in the City deserves IS worth something.
Does the Mayor need three Secretaries and Sean?
This I have no idea about. Frankly I do not know what the duties are of any of these folks, but I can only guess that they are actually doing work each and every day... and that if they were not there, someone else would need to do that work... or it simply would not get done.
Do we need to be paying all kinds of fees for people not doing their job (example Carnevale, Brophy, Bettencourt and watch Siderios soon enough)?
First, lets separate your list into two different categories...
The first are people Suing the City and the second are people you have decided do not do enough work for the City (or in Carnevales case, when he worked for the City).
With the lawsuits... We really have no choice about this. We either need to fight them in court ($$$ for lawyers and time for City personnel) or simply give in and pay them what they want (which will also make more people in the future try this same tactic in the hopes of some quick cash).
With the other folks, if you really have proof that people are derelict in their duties, I would consider reporting it to the Mayor and the City Council. If this gets you no response, I would approach the press. If again, you get no response, then you might initiate a lawsuit against the City... but I am not sure on what grounds... but I am sure that some lawyer would be happy to try.
The problem here is that there is a perception of wrongdoing, but no evidence... at least none that has been of interest to any State agencies or courts (so far).
So my only other thoughts on this are if you are unhappy with those who have been elected to run this City, then you should consider supporting different candidates... or becoming one yourself.
Where is the money for the scrape metal that is now gone? Where is the money for all wood that has been cut? How much is the bike path really costing us?
These last few again are more indicative of your lack of trust in the people who are running the City of Peabody. I am sure someone could give you complete answers to all of these questions. They might not be the answers you are hoping to get, but people will tell you.
Again, if you feel you can't trust the people elected to serve you (and the rest of us as well) I suggest you support other people for these offices.
I am simply looking for answers taking a page from OG's book.
Liability about the cars I find hard to believe since the Mayor does not drive one. I will give him his due for not taking that perk. The simple truth is why do we have 10 trucks sitting at the DPW at anyone time during the day? Now I am not talking about the ones in the garage or with the hoods up. I am talking about the ones that I have seen sitting waiting for someone to drive them. I have seen this on many occasions and for up to a month at a time.
His three Secretaries, what I am asking is can this work be divided so that maybe only two are needed? As for Sean (80k) I just do not see the need, I might be wrong but I don't see it.
Now the windows I remember getting turned down for a grant. So again if not mistaken I think we spent more then you are thinking. In this time of people not being able to pay for oil/gas, bad timing on the city.
We will always disagree on DC. We have gone back and forth on this in the past. He admitted he dumped the sludge into the pond. Therefore it is 100% on him what the clean up has cost us. (Before you ask go back and read it in the CC meeting minutes). I would have preferred that money go to the schools DC did not give us the choice on that one.
As for the metal and wood asking for info on where the money went. Very simple people are too afraid to ask once again DC's fault he does not play well with other.
The bike path I was just throwing out there. I like the idea but as we have seen in the past good ideas turn bad. We will see what this path turns into.
The inspectors are top heavy. Again in a time when we are all having a hard time the city should be cutting back. The inspectors should be checking on more jobs this way one or two positions could be cut.
Let me say this, nobody likes to see cuts. This is the last thing I want to see happen. With things the way they are now it needs to happen. Problem is sometimes the cuts are made in the wrong places. Most times the cuts come out of Public Safety. We as a city need to trim the fat start running a tight ship or we will sink. Peabody is not a shining example of how a city should be run. I don't think any city is but we should start trying a little harder. When times are good we do not bitch about the little things. Windows for City Hall are fine when we are all doing well. Right now and over the next two years at least we are going to be hurting. We need our officials to do a better job for all of us.
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