Thursday, November 13, 2008

Business Leaders to address Peabody High Students

More good news from the Peabody school department.

Here is the link to the Salem News story.

An engineering and technology speaker series at PVMHS has generated much interest with students. John Bocchino president of Weston & Sampson spoke to the students about future careers.

From the article:

"The kids loved him," said (vocational director) Ferri, who took an informal lunch survey afterward. "The kids thought he was awesome."

The speaker series is one step toward an internship program spearheaded by School Committee member Michael Moutsoulas. He had made a number of the initial contacts with businesses.

Ferri said bringing speakers to students would set a foundation for future internships. She has plans for students to take field trips to the companies, as well. The idea is to have both the students and the businesses learn about one another.

"I think this is a win-win for everybody," she said. "We need to do some relationship building."

What an excellent Idea! And to actually see it being implemented is wonderful. 35 students attended this kick off event and I'm sure more will attend in the future. The idea that this may then lead to Peabody high school students interning in local firms is great!

The next speaker will be Jim Green, CEO and president of Analogic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like a promising beginning.

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