So... hurray! They have finally restriped the road! But wait a second... The traffic entering the Square from Lowell Street can NO LONGER use both the left lane and the center lane to proceed straight onto Main Street...? And the striping that used to show two lanes traveling toward Salem on Main Street..., between Foster and Walgreen's are NO LONGER THERE!THE NEW LAYOUT (FROM LOWELL ST)
What has happened? It seems that instead of discussing and debating the prospects of turning Main Street into a single-lane road... the new Director of Public Services has decided to start the process without the need for public or Council approval... is this the right way to do things in this City?
Now, I am actually in favor of rethinking the traffic flow through downtown... and I very well may decide that the one-lane approach is the best one... but it needs to be discussed and debated and ONLY THEN should a change be made. This smacks of top-down arrogance to me.
Perhaps I am wrong about this... but this doesn't seem like the right way to proceed in these types of matters.
PI, Nobody cares!
People only visited your site because it was "associated" and "supported" by THE PATRIOT.
NOW... THE PATRIOT is gone! And so are you.
Close up shop.
I thought this subject had been brought up in the past by community development as to what they wanted to do. Would it not have fallen to the C.C. to bring this subject up for debate? If the C.C. cannot decide on re-zoning than doesn't someone have to take the bull by the horns? I would find it hard to believe the new director of public services did this of his own accord. But, if he did, than it will be the time for the corner office to start a search.
I wonder just how much the new Director would have done WITHOUT being told... especially in this case where a clearly NEW plan for the Downtown is being hatched in this small job.
I just think public input and correct process should be taking precedence here... not top down directives.
And to the first Anon - Hey, you are welcome to come here and participate, or to ignore this place. Either way I am here because I think it is a good idea and I think we as a community need a place to meet on-line.
I did not do this to compete or even to be "associated or supported" by anyone, as you state.
PI, can you help me with the link?
The domaine has been attached.
Peabody Patriot
The new Patriot has a post up on this topic as well, using my photos no less...
See it HERE.
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