Monday, May 18, 2009

Walnut Street Park -- One Step Closer

The City Council gave its approval for the City to move forward in applying for loans to clean-up the proposed park site on Walnut Street.

The Lynn Item: Peabody council OKs application for funds

The Councils vote allows Community Development to apply for $550,000 in State funding from the Massachusetts Parkland Acquisition and Renovation for Communities Grant Program.

The park will be a welcome addition to the woefully under served area - giving the neighborhood a place to gather as well as becoming a launching point for the long overdue Downtown Riverwalk.

Of course Councilor Mello again expressed his anger that such a project was going forward in his ward despite his protestations.

"I was against the city purchasing this property because we will be spending a half million to clean it up when the landlord should have cleaned it," he said. "But the council chose differently. We've made a sinkhole here, make no mistake. It's an area that is hard to secure, there will be children playing by the train tracks... I wish it never had passed."

A sinkhole. This man has absolutely no vision. And kids will be playing on the train tracks?? HEAVENS NO! Councilor... take a look at the situation RIGHT NOW! They are already playing on the train tracks... maybe a NEW PARK will give them a different place to play? It's called leadership. It is what your constituents need right now. Be that person or move on.


whogaf said...

This is going to be a great park. To turn this blighted wasteland into something functional and pleasing to the eye is a major improvement to the downtown area. Perhaps there will even be room for a dog park.
I can see in the not too distant future, little community events being held there like say, a Greek or Portugese festival similar to the old Polish picnic that used to be held at St Josephs church. Of course you know who will be right in the middle of those events, touting what a wonderful place we have here and how it was all his idea - that's right, Rico Mello! Why, I'd be willing to bet that he's the one to do the ribbon-cutting when it opens!

Peabody_Insider said...

You know what... FINE. Maybe he could simply say it took him a little while to get into the swing of things... but stop putting down the idea of making your ward a better place!

Or if this is such a bad idea... lets see some that DO make sense to you.

Leadership by naysaying is no leadership at all.

the Outfront Guy* said...

OG says...
you just can't keep saying NO all the time...not only does it stem any appreciable progress but it destroys any consensus like behavior we need to see from our elected politicians...

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