Friday, July 10, 2009

Peabody should join into the new North Shore Technical High School

Peabody needs to join into (and be a leader in) the new North Shore Technical and Agricultural High School (NSTAHS).

The State (finally) seems eager to move forward with the NSTAHS (the combination and expansion of Essex Aggie and the North Shore Tech HS) with at least $77 million dollars.

While the other cities and towns involved still need to finalize their involvement, they are all on the way to getting it done.

Except for Peabody which is dragging its heels and putting up false protests in order to delay the process... which will mean that Peabody will end up NOT participating in this most worthwhile endeavor.

Peabody Lynnfield Weekly: Peabody wants more info before joining voke merger
Remember, PLW stories are only online for 1 week
Salem News: New voke school will get $77.5 million from State

Peabody should stop the endless debating and commit to joining (and being the leader in) the new NS Tech HS. Peabody has the largest number of students in technical programs and people are turned away each year. The current facilities at the Higgins are woefully inadequate AND the State has denied funding for the Higgins in the past specifically because the Peabody Voke is located there! The current program is not currently meeting the needs of its students and the equipment and programs are quite far out of date. This program needs to be expanded and modernized and Peabody can not (and will never) do it alone. This is the perfect way to join forces with other cities and town to share the costs, as well as get the State to shoulder much of the responsibities for this good idea.

Now, I am not saying that the City is wrong to want good information about this project (and especially the costs the City will need to provide.) But the fact of the matter is there ARE no guarantees in this world and estimates are just that... subject to change without notice. The idea that in this one instance the City would need such a super fine level of detail in order to make a decision is NOT the usual way things work in this City.

Thus, the delayed decision making seems much more like a stalling tactic than good financial prudence. Basically... if the City waits long enough, the project will simply GO AWAY because the State will pull the funding and we can go back to underfunding the current crappy program we offer our students today.

And if you think this is simply my opinion... read Dave McGeney and Beverly Dunns comments (from the PLW):

School Committee veteran David McGeney, acknowledging that vocational instruction likely incurs higher costs, argued that Peabody’s current course offerings are poor, at best, and should have been addressed years ago.

“Under serving our kids to save money is not what we’re about,” he said, adding that vocational education is often viewed as a “stepchild” to traditional schooling, which he feels has been the case in Peabody as well.

“We’re doing a terrible, terrible disservice to that portion of our student population,” he said.

Dunne agreed, pointing out that vocational programs have been on a “shoestring” budget for decades. She said many of the teachers have to buy simple supplies for students, such as Band-aids and gloves, out of their own pockets.

Sadly these School Committee members can see the folly in underfunding programs when they occur OUTSIDE the School Committees budget - but they were only too happy to be part of the committee that has underfunded the Peabody School System for several years in a row, including this most recent kick in the teeth to the students of Peabody.


Anonymous said...

With the current trends of "geekship" in most all areas related to computers its wise to be in the "trades" as it were. I say this because we have no true industrial works in the area as we once had. If every one is so much into the "geekship" who is going to repair, make , and invent things? You do not have to be smart or unusually stupid to be one of the mechanically enabled. However you have to know what your doing to do ones choice of trades and/or any of its related workings. I say go for the N.S.Tech. High School w/o delay. Not everyone can be the person sitting on ones back side doing computer related work. To make this area and our country secure it takes diverse employment. If there is no diversity then there is no money to be made to keep the economy working. There is money to be made in a trade just as there is in "geekship" . That only can be if there is industry and some thing for "geekers" and trades men to mutually accomplish in diversity that we do not have at the present time. By having gone to the Peabody Vocational School at the old Seeglitz High School [early 50's] I saved a lot of money over the years doing most of my own repair work because I became able to work with my hands mechanically.

Peabody_Insider said...

Anyone who thinks that the people in "the trades" are any less intelligent or not as capable as those who choose to go to college or straight into a white collar career are simply wrong.

The incredible talent to be able to produce good work with ones hands is NOT something everyone can do and in fact not many do it well.

On my block... the best cars and nicest houses usually are parked in a home with a panel truck or pickup sitting in the driveway.

These folks get a total bum rap when they are desperately needed in our society - in fact where would you be with out them?

A famous exchange reportedly between an Italian reporter and Marlon Brando: when he was asked to reflect upon his legacy and importance to the world he is said to have replied, "Importance? I am not important. How can an actor be important. Now a good plumber... now HE is important."

Needham's Corner said...

Anon, I think you need to update your ideas about the trades! The line between computers and the trades is ever more blurred! Take running an auto repair place - all the computer diagnostics, all the work of running the biz and keeping up with new developments - is all computer work. It requires just as much thinking and analytical skill as programming, and it's a lot less about "wrench-ship" than it used to be.

Very few people, even in "geekship," are programmers sitting on their butts. Computers are fully integrated into most workplaces - it's not an either/or proposition. Computers are simply a tool, not a job sector.

I see a lot of college students who shouldn't be in college: they have no aptitude for or interest in college-level learning. But unfortunately, someone(a parent or guidance counselor)told them that they needed a college degree to get a "good" job. Many of them are active young men - and they would probably be much happier "doing" something than sitting at a desk. It's sad that we so devalue the trades. We need more thinking, bright young people to see the value in these occupations. That could start by adjusting how we talk about and value these kinds of jobs, and how we fund the learning of skills to be successful in them.

I recommend "Shop Class as Soulcraft" by Matthew B. Crawford. He makes a great case for the satisfaction inherent in making and doing.

Anonymous said...

This is a fantastic idea and long over due. These students have been given the shaft long enough.

But I disagree with hoping the admin tries to lead in this effort. That would simply be a death knell to the project. For the sake of these students, lets just hope they sign-on and get out of the way.

whogaf said...

Have to agree with you Anon. the last thing this project needs is the curse of Peabody politics. This would be a major improvement to the Higgins, adding the space taken by the voke to the general population of the middle schoolers. These kids need it and they don't need the influence of these high school age kids on their turf either, nor do these high schoolers belong in a middle school building. A win-win situation for everyone involved. Plus the Noth Shore Voke Tech is already established as a first-rate school. Peabody's voke students deserve a better opportunity and facility. Let's give it to them.

the Outfront Guy* said...

OG says...
as OG saunters in after a fine summer weekend it seems that many of have lost sight of the fact that this Voke School merger chatter has been going on FOR YEARS !! This is yet another education issue that goes on and on here in Dark City with a blatant inability to make a friggin' decision....I can only wish that I had the luxury of all this 'time to think and ponder' in the private sector....wake me up when someone makes a decision will ya please.

Peabody_Insider said...

It WILL be a moot point if the City doesn't get on board right now. There is a serious State deadline to get the funding in place... miss it and it will be a long long time before the State will be able to (or even want to) pony up the money for this project again.


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