Thursday, August 27, 2009

Local Options: To Tax or Not To Tax?

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Mayor Bonfanti says while he sees "both sides of the issue" the City could really use the added tax money.

The Lynn Item: Peabody in pickle on local tax hike

What I don't find very convincing is Mayor Bonfanti's justification for raising the taxes: that the Legislature will be mad at the cities and towns for NOT enacting the taxes while still looking for State relief. To me this sounds like grasping at straws for a reason BESIDES the fact that the City needs more funds... and it seems rather week to me.

The other assertion, that it would be easier if everyone were to enact the increase (Danvers has voted no while Saugus has voted yes) and has the Mayor wishing Salem would pass it to make it easier for Peabody to do the same... is NOT LEADERSHIP! It is being a follower. Stop it and just do the right thing because it is THE RIGHT THING... even if it hurts you in the polls.

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The Massachusetts State Legislature has give Cities and Towns the local option to add a local tax onto hotel rooms and/or meals. This would add up to 2% to the cost of a hotel or motel room and up to 0.75% to the cost of a meal in a restaurant.

The Peabody Weekly News: Decision on local luxury tax hikes stalled until fall
Note: The PWN only has stories up for one week
The Salem News Editorial: Nelson Benton: Nothing tasty about meals tax
The Salem News: Megavoke OK'd, Meals tax denied in Danvers
The Salem News: Local Taxes may rise in tough times
The Salem News: Senate OKs hike in sales, alcohol tax
The Boston Globe: Tax options raise interest, with caution
The Boston Globe: Towns consider tax hike

The problem: State aid to Cities and Towns has plummeted in recent years.
The (one small?) solution: Give local communities the ability to gather their own local taxes with an increase in hotel and meals taxes.

This is not a perfect solution, but it is one way to allow Cities and Towns to gather additional income in very difficult financial times.

The reality of the hotel/motel situation is that adding 2% to the hotel room charges would equal around an additional $2.00 a day to the average hotel/motel room in Peabody. And since the vast majority of the people staying these hotels are from out of town... this seems a perfect way to recoup some of the losses in State funding.

The meals tax is a little more personal as it will mostly affect the locals who frequent Peabody restaurants. However, this additional tax is EXTREMELY SMALL... 0.75% in fact, so small that it simply can not be held up as a DETERRENT to folks seeking to have a meal in a local eatery.

The cost of eating out will change very little... in fact, here are some prime examples...

Breakfast at Dunkin Donuts:
Large coffee and a bagel with cream cheese:
$4.38 --------- + 3 cents tax! = $4.41

Lunch at Sonic (just opened on Rt. 1):
A Number 2 (SuperSONIC Cheeseburger Combo w/ medium fries + drink)
--------- + 5 cents tax! = $6.04

Dinner at Sugarcane (for two):
Hot & Sour soup (2), Crab Rangoon, Orange Duck, General Gau's Chicken, and 2 (!) Scorpion Bowls
$64.00 --------- + 48 cents tax! = $64.48

Special Romantic Evening Out for 2 at Legal Seafoods
2 signature cocktails, oysters and coconut shrimp appetizers, shared large Caesar salad, surf & turf (shrimp & scallops), grilled wild salmon, bottle of wine ($45), 2 signature desserts and cappuccinos
$190.00 --------- + $1.43 tax! = $191.43

This should pretty much prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that this additional amount of tax would do NO ONE any harm and indeed would NOT change anyone's plans to stop in for a quick bite... or an evening of fine dining.

Now on to the man who cost Peabody $300,000...
Thanks to Councilor Rico Mello - who seems perpetually stuck in some other reality - the City Council will not take up the discussion on these local taxes - NOT EVEN DISCUSS IT!?! - until the Fall... thus losing out on approximately $300,000 in additional City revenues that Mayor Bonfanti proposed applying towards desperately needed road and sidewalk repairs.

Now I am NOT saying I think we should allocate these moneys to ANY ONE project... and if we DO pick only one... roads and sidewalks are NOT the number one need in this City.

But for Councilor Mello to yet again show himself as the OPPONENT OF ANY CHANGE in this City is yet another reason to elect a better representative in the coming elections.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Senator Ted Kennedy Dead at 77

Senator Edward Kennedy Dead at 77

It will come to no surprise to anyone familiar with my viewpoints that Senator Kennedy is a personal hero of mine. I believe that he showed us all that a flawed person can indeed become a force for good in this world.

The Liberal Lion of the Senate is gone. He shall be missed.

The Boston Globe: Kennedy dead at 77
The Boston Herald: Senator Edward M. Kennedy dies at 77
The New York Times: Edward Kennedy, Senate Stalwart, Dies
The BBC World Service: Senator Edward Kennedy dies at 77

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Peabody West Little Leaguers head to World Series

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Well the young folks had quite a time in Pennsylvania! They represented the City of Peabody proudly, and while they did not always finish the game with a W in the scorebox, they certainly played with spirit and energy and gave it their very best! That is absolutely all that anyone can ask of another person or team!

Thank you all for your efforts this season and for allowing us to share in your success!
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As many of you might have guessed, I am not the biggest sports fan out there. And I don't like to see school athletics favored over academics. But this is a different story.

Peabody West Little League has advanced to the Little League Baseball World Series in South Williamsport, PA after a stunning series of wins... some of them in the heart-stopping category.

The next 3 games are as follows: Schedule is here
and for more info:

8:00 pm, Friday, 8/21/09
New England vs. Southwest

6:00 pm, Sunday, 8/23/09
West vs. New England

4:00pm, Tuesday, 8/25/09
Great Lakes vs. New England

Now it looks like these will be broadcast only on ESPN360 (Click Here) I believe this is a free internet service IF you are using a member ISP. Note: Comcast and Verizon are BOTH MEMBER ISP's!

I think this is one event that can bring the entire City together to cheer on and support our young people!

Here are some local stories about these fine ball players and their families, friends and fans:

NECN Video: Peabody West team a source of pride for City
Boston Globe: Peabody takes long route into Little League World Series
Salem News: Peabody West: World Series here they come
Lynn Item: Peabody West parents absorb a heart-stopping game and conclusion
Peabody Weekly News: West makes it to New England Finals

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Peabody Fined $70,000 by EPA


The Salem News has provided a better picture of this story... and specifically why the City is getting charged the $70,000 fine.

The Salem News: City is fined $70k by EPA

Turns out this is NOT a case of anything but some poor paperwork management... or mismanagement on the part of the City. The Mayor, while taking ultimate responsibility, did blame in part the (swift? unexpected?) departure of Dick Carnevale as one major reason that these oversights occurred.

However, this does NOT appear to be a case of wanton pollution as is being promoted by a few vocal individuals in the blog'o'sphere. It never fails to amaze me how some people are so quick to jump to the worst possible conclusions. This is, of course, NOT AN EXCUSE FOR THIS INANE OVERSIGHT BY THE CITY! $70,000 would certainly have made the Peabody Public Schools a tiny bit better.

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The Lynn Item is reporting that the City of Peabody has been fined $70,000 by the EPA for...
failing to meet permit requirements designed to ensure that raw sewage and other pollutants stay out of storm sewers, which drain to local rivers, ponds and coastal waters.

The Lynn Item: EPA fines Peabody $70,000 over raw sewage drains

I will admit I don't really have much information to add to this published report. I am not familiar with the current regulations that are specified in the article and more importantly it really doesn't specify what exactly Peabody did wrong to deserve this fine.

I did want to post this so people can have a place to discuss this and I will update as morte information becomes available.

Community Development Director Delios is Moving On

Community Development director Jean Delios is leaving the City of Peabody for a new job in Reading.

The Salem News: City's top planner to take new job in Reading

There are many who blame Ms. Delios for the pro-development stance that seems to be the way of life here in Peabody. I don't think that this is particularly true, although I do think that Community Development has been more about business and about community for a while now. Ultimately it is the Mayor who is responsible for the overall City position regarding development - and the new moneys that brings into a community.

Mayor Bonfanti recently was quoted in an article stating that he is "pro business" - the exact quote is was...

"We are pro-business because we understand that business is the lifeblood of the city," Mayor Michael Bonfanti said. -Salem News

I can't imagine that the citizens of Peabody really want this attitude in the person who is leading the City! Even in these difficult economic times most people can see that Peabody is rather built up and doesn't have much room for new development - changes, upgrades, renovations, consolidations... sure... but lots of new growth seems counter productive.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Possible Mayoral Contender? Russ Donovan pulls papers.

Russ Donovan has pulled nomination papers for Mayor of Peabody. This does not mean he is running, first he must return to the clerk's office by Tuesday with signatures from 50 residents of Peabody. This seems quite do-able and I would be glad to sign his (or anyone's) nomination papers if they are a serious candidate.

This is good. I like serious candidates running for office. I dislike uncontested races. It all makes for better government and certainly better public communication.

I would like to know much more about Mr. Donovan. But that will be a different post.

The Salem News: Russ Donovan takes out nomination papers

Does anyone find it rather odd that the Salem News has been running several articles about the unchallenged mayors on the North Shore recently... and when someone finally steps up to the plate and actually makes a challenge.... the news article is pushed into the middle of the most boring issue of the week (Monday.)

I mean... can you believe the TOP FOLD BANNER HEADLINE that Mr. Donovan got bumped for? Peabody Upgrades School Supply List, which is apparently news to the Salem News because they are all living in 1985 still? I mean they think a USB drive costs at least $10? Here Peabody parents... go here and get one for $2.00, or get one free from many businesses as handout gifts.

So a fluff story about the need for back to school stuff gets top billing and the announcement of the only challenger to a major sitting Mayor on the North Shore gets this crappy coverage?

Does anyone else still exist out there who thinks Mayor Bonfanti does NOT get special treatment from the Salem News? I'm not saying that the Mayor or his campaign had anything to do with this placement, in fact, I am sure that this challenge is seen as a non challenge to their camp. It is the Salem News who is showing their hand in my opinion.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

What is wrong with the Peabody Public School System?

Is it just me or is this one of the saddest years ever for the beleaguered Peabody Public School System?
  • First they have this horrendous budget cut that pretty much will undo most of the good progress made in the Peabody Schools in the past 10 years (and remember the ONLY PLACE IN THE ENTIRE CITY BUDGET THAT NEEDED CUTS was the Public Schools!)

  • Then Superintendent Milton Burnett decided that a select few of his management team needed BIG RAISES... EVEN THOUGH HE HAS AXED 75+ employees and more than 25 teachers

  • And now comes this gem... The cost savings plan to remove highly trained (and higher cost) school adjustment councilors and replace them with lesser trained (and cheaper) school guidance councilors - WHICH WAS APPROVED BY THE SUPERINTENDENT - is actually going to cost the City a bundle!

The Salem News: 'Cost-saving' layoff plan has backfired

Now I have admitted to not being a big fan of coach Niz and don't think he is an effective school committee member. However I can not fault him in this instance. He was simply making a suggestion for a potential cost savings move during the ridiculous sham of a budget that the school committee was working on.

The problem here was in what happened next... the highly paid educational administrative profession known as Superintendent Milton Burnett SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THESE IMPORTANT POSITIONS! Now... is the difference the number one thing he needs to deal with on a daily basis? Of course not. But THIS IS HIS JOB! He should have looked into this matter (if he didn't already know how it worked) and figured this out BEFORE making this STUPID MISTAKE.

How do we expect our students to learn how to think and act in intelligent and proactive ways when the very people in charge can't even do the basic tasks correctly (while getting a very nice paycheck for the honor as well)??????
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