Thursday, August 13, 2009

Peabody Fined $70,000 by EPA


The Salem News has provided a better picture of this story... and specifically why the City is getting charged the $70,000 fine.

The Salem News: City is fined $70k by EPA

Turns out this is NOT a case of anything but some poor paperwork management... or mismanagement on the part of the City. The Mayor, while taking ultimate responsibility, did blame in part the (swift? unexpected?) departure of Dick Carnevale as one major reason that these oversights occurred.

However, this does NOT appear to be a case of wanton pollution as is being promoted by a few vocal individuals in the blog'o'sphere. It never fails to amaze me how some people are so quick to jump to the worst possible conclusions. This is, of course, NOT AN EXCUSE FOR THIS INANE OVERSIGHT BY THE CITY! $70,000 would certainly have made the Peabody Public Schools a tiny bit better.

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The Lynn Item is reporting that the City of Peabody has been fined $70,000 by the EPA for...
failing to meet permit requirements designed to ensure that raw sewage and other pollutants stay out of storm sewers, which drain to local rivers, ponds and coastal waters.

The Lynn Item: EPA fines Peabody $70,000 over raw sewage drains

I will admit I don't really have much information to add to this published report. I am not familiar with the current regulations that are specified in the article and more importantly it really doesn't specify what exactly Peabody did wrong to deserve this fine.

I did want to post this so people can have a place to discuss this and I will update as morte information becomes available.

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