Thursday, September 24, 2009

Attention: Mosquito Spraying Tonight

Mosquito control officers will be spraying public areas and streets west of Rt . 1 tonight to control an outbreak of EEE

The Salem News: Mosquito spraying tonight in Peabody
The City of Peabody website has additional information as well.

This came at late notice and it is only announced for tonight, September 24, 2009.

Plans call for spraying all ball fields, playgrounds, parks and the bikeway as well as residential streets west of Rt. 1.

Residents are advised to keep windows and doors that face the street or recreation areas closed during this time.



Gees, could it have anything to do with the stagnant waters of Crystal lake? Or the lack of PROPER flow at lowwer Spring Pond?


the Outfront Guy* said...

OG says...
isn't Spring Pond east of Rte 1...did you take geography at PVMHS?

Anonymous said...

I agree 100% this city has done nothing to keep our ponds, lakes & streams flowing clean. Crystal Lake & Spring Pond are two good or should I say bad examples. this city does nothing untill the EPA or DEP makes the city do something. that comes with a big price tag. Lower Spring Pond is a stagnent swamp & WILL need to be cleaned sooner or later. how much will that neglect cost us taxpayers ?

Anonymous said...

did anybody else hear about the Triple E that killed a horse here in Peaody. should we wait till some poor kid gets sick from the citys neglect ? Peabody is infamous for putting up the stop sign after a kid gets hit. never any preventive action taken. time to clean house.

Peabody_Insider said...

Wait... what anon?
The entire point of this (and the many other) articles is because a Peabody horse got EEE!

This is not a case of Monday morning quarterbacking... the State found the horse had EEE and the City initiated the spraying.

Can you imaging the uproar if the City had decided to just do this without a reason? "Spraying deadly chemicals on our children's playgrounds?!! OUTRAGEOUS!"

Plus... spending that kind of money "for no reason" during tough economic times?

The voters would never have stood for it!

I wish they would spray for mosquitoes several times each year! But I know I am in the minority there.

Anonymous said...

can you imagine some poor kid getting Triple E ? OUTRAGEOUS !

Peabody_Insider said...

I agree anon.

But one reason more isn't done is the public outcry over ANYTHING and EVERYTHING! Plus the fact that it costs money to do it!

Witness the stupidity over the mold in the school.

They found it, they investigated and they fixed it. They even made sure people knew what was going on.

But nope - not good enough. You can NEVER please all the people... you can only do what you can and try your best to do the right thing.

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Photo credit: Elizabeth Thomsen, CCL