Saturday, September 19, 2009

Missing Signs

I just wanted to make a mention here of the sign controversy in Ward 6, where Councilor Sinewitz's signs have gone missing in two different incidents. There are also other signs, including Mr. Sheehan's, missing - but in numbers that do not indicate a targeted action. The Sinewitz signs do appear to be being targeted.

The Salem News: Sheehan condemns theft of opponent's campaign signs

The Salem News: Sinewitz's campaign signs stolen in Ward 6
The Salem News Opinion Letters: West Peabody race gets nasty

There is much discussion going on at Keith Doucette's Peabody Patriot blog.

I feel that both candidates are handling this very well and that neither is involved in the pilfering of the other's signs. I am very hopeful the Peabody police get to the bottom of this quickly.

Stealing ANY campaign sign is simply unamerican and cowardly! Freedom of speech, especially political speech, is a hard fought for right and a basic expectation in our country.


Anonymous said...

Here's the latest campaign slogan out of Ward 6:

"Vote for Sinewitz - He had the most signs stolen"

What a moron!

Peabody_Insider said...

You know... just like I do not blame Mr. Sheehan for the misguided and illegal actions of some idiotic supporter, I also do not blame Councilor Sinewitz for the equally over-the-top responses by his overzealous supporters.

In fact, as I stated, I think both candidates are behaving rather well through this ordeal,

Anonymous said...

What the heck are you talking about? Sinewitz has been crying to everyone who'll listen about his "stolen" signs. Let's face it, if he loses (and I don't think he will), it will have nothing to do with how many signs he either did or did not have. It'll be because the people in his ward either thought he did a good job over the past two years or that Sheehan might do a better job. Period. End of story.

Peabody_Insider said...

Well, maybe he has been complaining outside of ward 4 and/or I have just been lucky enough not to hear it.

That being said... I really wish this would turn back into a campaign about ISSUES and IDEAS and not about unimportant stuff.

I mean this next City Council will be the ones who will need to deal with the real issue of rezoning and how to truly deal with a period of financial crisis... and this time I don't think the feds or state will be coming through with big cash outlays to save what little we have left.

Hard choices will need to be made. The community will need to think long and hard about what government (City government) really needs to be doing and what value it is to all its citizens.

Frankly, I don't really give a crap about the signs anymore (if I ever really did.) Don't get me wrong... don't steal signs. But MOVE ON and DO SOMETHING for us to care about already!

the Outfront Guy* said...

OG says....
I came across an election handout flyer from Councilor AT Large candidate Bill Aylward...nice guy and all but OG has a question to all of you observers out there...Mr Aylward's flyer says MY PROMISE TO YOU...I will be an independent voice on the Council. I will not vote to raise your taxes and I will vote only in the best interests of the people of here's my question -should ANY candidate ever promise or pledge to NEVER vote to raise our taxes??? Should any candidate ever box themself into this solemn vow ??? what do you Peabody Patriot readers think?? what's your advice to decent candidates like Mr Aylward?

Anonymous said...


I think that with taxes being risen every year, and the current cc members voting and allowing budgets, 9-11 police pay, windows at city hall, new positions (police Chiefs) etc....

that is what he is refering to?

Also, have you recieved stuff like this in the past from other people? People that have been in office for several years? Most of them say that they are "working to stabilize the tax rate!"

Are they just lying directly to your face? They all seem to vote in favor of raising the taxes every

my opinion.

the Outfront Guy* said...

OG says..
well here is what OG would do...if I were running for office I would never distribute one piece of campaign literature or state in the public that I would NEVER vote to ever raise taxes...because you know what? I might have to..but such a statement would immediately eliminate from being elected here in Dark that what you want? You don't want your elected officials to give you anything but good news and lower taxes right? I am not in your dream world my friend.

Peabody_Insider said...

Well OG... neither would I.

And this is one reason neither of us will ever be successful candidates in Peabody - we choose to treat voters with intellectual respect instead of pandering to their 'anger' of the moment.

Never say never.

the Outfront Guy* said...

OG says...
Hey PI--here's another one that just makes me lean back in my chair and's a "new candidate" that all the "voting for change" voters will look to in the effort to upset a well intrenched incumbent...guess who said this ?

I have a passion for the City of Peabody as it is, but I have an even greater passion for what it could be. I believe we can maintain Peabody's livable tax rate while at the same time move forward. I would like to be one of many who begin a conversation about the potential of Peabody's future.

All I can say is this > where's the beef?

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Photo credit: Elizabeth Thomsen, CCL