Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Election Forum: Wednesday, Oct. 21st. 7:00-9:00 at City Hall

The Salem News will be sponsoring a candidate forum at Peabody City Hall on Wednesday, October 21st from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

This forum will feature candidates for the following positions:
  • Mayor

  • Councilor-at-Large

  • School Committee
I only saw this as a brief mention at the end of one of Nelson Benton's opinion pieces and haven't seen much about it since then.

Now, sadly, a long standing work commitment will force me to miss this event... and I am very unhappy about it. This is exactly the type of forum I have been saying is needed in the City. I hope other's will share their opinions and viewpoints on how the night goes.


Anonymous said...

anyone watch it?

Peabody_Insider said...

I just got home and I have seen no word about the event.

the Outfront Guy* said...

OG says ...
OG saw the last part of this gala event....some of the City Council portion and all of the School Committee portion...what would you like to know?

Anonymous said...

City Council Winners?

School Committee Winners?

the Outfront Guy* said...

OG says...
City Council--I see no surprises or upsets....School Committee--welcome back Niz and Dunne...say hello to Jarrod Hochman...Mayor--Ann Manning will be the first female Mayor in Peabody history.

Anonymous said...

Just caught the end of this event last night and came away with similar thoughts on the school committee.

I'm definitely not a fan of Niz, but compared to what I saw from Olimpio and Rossignol, at least he was able to put together a coherent thought.

Hochman was impressive. As was Dunne, although I don't always agree with her stance. At least she was articulate.

As for the at-large race, the one that really stood out for me, was Gravel. He spoke for 5 minutes and sounded like an Americal Idol contestant; "vote #5 on your ballot". How did this guy ever get elected in the first place.

Bettencourt did really well, Aylward did ok, Moutsoulas wasn't bad. Missed Manning. Liacos, Garabedian, & Gravel should be in trouble and battling for the last spot.

Not to look ahead, but I think we may have an interesting mayoral race in the near future between Bonfanti, Bettencourt, Manning, and if he can hold his seat Sinewitz.

the Outfront Guy* said...

OG says...
oh yes...a Bettencourt vs Manning contest would be VERY intriguing....bring it on !!

Anonymous said...

Bettencourt, Aylward, Manning,Liacos, Moutsoulas in that order.

Bonfanti gets 70 percent of the vote.

Dunne, Rossignall, Niz in that order.

Chancey and Paras light commish.

Library ?

Anonymous said...

I will make a prediction here too...

Bonfanti wins easily, even though I do not think he is even half as good as Torigian.

Bettencourt tops the At-Large ticket AGAIN...duh. Followed by Manning, Aylward, Liacas, and Gravel.

Moutsoulas should have never pulled papers and Garabedian is finished in Peabody Politics.

Ward 1 Goes easily to Forti by 300+ votes.

Ward 4 Goes to Driscoll after a re-count.

Ward 6 Goes to Sinewitz in a landslide of more than 500 votes.

Wheatley and Paras keep their seats.

Dunne, Niz, and Rossignall for sure.

the Outfront Guy* said...

OG says..
I respect your predictions but please tell me why you see this groundswell of support for new candidates like Aylward and Rossignoll....

Anonymous said...

Rosignoll? From what I saw, his grasp of the issues was minimal.

Hochman is the guy you want on the SC.

Anonymous said...

Aylward will be at the bottom of the ticket. Most likely in ward 6 too.

Sinewitz in a landslide??? You must be getting your pole numbers from the CDAS Company. (croce,doucette,aylward,sinewitz)

Anonymous said...

"Pole numbers"...you must be very excited the banana has reopened.

Anonymous said...

My predictions...

Paras, Bonfanti

Dunne, Hochman, Niz

Bettencourt, Liacos, Manning, Gravel, Moutsoulas

the Outfront Guy* said...

OG says...
you make sense except for Moutsoulas!

Anonymous said...

I can see either challenger for at-large sneaking in there.

Anonymous said...



Every incumbant will be reelected. The residents of Peabody don't even know there's an election next week. What they DO know is that their taxes are low and the city services don't suck and that will keep them fat and happy with the bunch that are in power now for at least another couple of years.

Am I right OG or am I right?

Anonymous said...

put still around? Looking his endorsements on other races still.,,.

the Outfront Guy* said...

OG says...
yes, I would have to agree with you...each election we read of hope for change and new blood but Dark City's history with tossing out incumbents pretty much tells the story....we don't like change here...we like status quo...so I suspect that we will see pretty much more of the same....when Mayor Mike packs it in the future confrontation between Bettencourt and Manning will ignite some passion!!

Anonymous said...

Looking for Needham's Corner's endorsements too. PI are you still here?

Anonymous said...

this is the problem with the blogs, they need constant attention by their owners, or people lose interest. I enjoy the blogs and their existence, this is an important time of the year for political blogs, is anyone monitoring it?

Peabody_Insider said...

Yes. I agree that this is an important time of the year. I will be trying to update as time permits.
Obviously this blog is something I do because I see it as a good thing for the community. But it can be an awful lot of work to manage and is certainly not the only demand of my time.
But sometimes - in fact it is mostly what I would like to see - just sitting back and letting others talk on here is better than just me writing my commentaries.

Anonymous said...

Ok endorsements then...

Anonymous said...

Are you okay Anon? The Roundtable already has endorsements posted...just scroll down a little bit to Friday, October 16, 2009.

Anonymous said...

Ya, I'm ok...you?

I'm looking for mayor, at-large, and school committee.

Peabody_Insider said...

I will make a new post for those picks.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it is any secret who PI endorses for mayor...

As for the rest of the endorsements...are you waiting until Wednesday, PI?

Anonymous said...

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