Sunday, November 1, 2009

Bonfanti for Mayor... and why Russ Donovan is a poor choice

I have been accused of being a toady for Mayor Bonfanti. That's fine, but those who actually pay any attention will see I often disagree and sometimes seriously rebuke our current mayor.

That being said,

I also believe he will win in a landslide.

Now, I also do NOT support Mr. Russ Donovan.

I think a recent exchange on The Peabody Patriot might be more illustrative than any new post here.

To begin, the Peabody Patriot (which I do not believe is being run by KD - at least not at the moment) did endorse Mr. Donovan for mayor. I strongly disagreed. Then had some back and forth which culminated in a personal message on the PP from Mr. Donovan... and finally my response.

I post these for your edification.


Please note that Mr. Donovan has made quite a list of "campaign issues" at the Peabody Patriot blog (link above) in response to my statements.
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Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Posted by Vote Em Out at 12:25 AM

Russell Donovan

Friday, October 30, 2009
No Peabody mayor defeated since 1951 -, Salem, MA
Posted by Vote Em Out at 9:48 AM

We all know what Peabody is, we are not Dark City as OG likes to say. We are not La La Land like some other like to say. We are incumbent land a sitting Mayor has not lost since 1951. How may Mayors were defeated during the time of the great depression? That really is the level where at right now, minus the breadlines.

We need a change in this city, why not make it now and if it is not working in two years make a change. Trust me you will have many candidates in 2 years if Mike was defeated, people could not stand someone sitting in that office that was not hand picked

October 30, 2009 7:51 PM
Peabody_Insider said...

If you really think that Mr. Donovan is a real candidate for Mayor then I simply can not take anything you have to say seriously.
He has not campaigned, does not have any real platform or experience or, frankly, any coherent grasp of how a city works.
He is a 'screw-you' candidate who enjoys seeing his name in the (very short lived) spotlight and deservedly so.
The one issue he blathers on and on about is WATER where he spouts half truths and mostly innuendo and wink-wink conspiracy allegations.
My favorite thing is his talking about how he respected former Mayor Torigian when he NEVER IN HIS LIFE had a good thing to say about him.
This man and his candidacy - any anyone who supports him - are all jokes.
I noticed you couldn't even come up with reasons to vote for him... only one's to vote against Mayor Bonfanti.
The current Mayor is certainly not perfect - far from it - and is actually quite annoying at times and has created many problems for this City over the years... but to ask people to vote him out so you can vote in a joke is frankly the worst thing to come out of the Peabody Patriot since the original jerk left.
And yes... this is indeed an angry letter. Because you have now proven yourself to be AN ANTI-PEABODY BLOG - one that would rather see this City thrown in the garbage rather than admit that Bonfanti IS the better choice among no choice at all.

October 31, 2009 9:16 AM
Anonymous said...

WOW ! again you talk like you acually know something about how this city is run ! you must be the smartest guy in Peabody. I think your just the most arrogant. what makes anything you say the fact or even beleivable. you should really get out more often.

October 31, 2009 12:37 PM
Peabody_Insider said...

One thing.
Name one thing that Mr. Donovan has said he will do for this City... AND HOW HE WILL DO IT.
Just one.
Besides the fact that HE ISN'T BONFANTI.
I'm sorry that many people here don't like Mayor Bonfanti... and that is fine. There are plenty of reasons to not like him.
But to say that this City and all its people and businesses would be IN BETTER HANDS if we allow this unprepared and ill-informed citizen to take control is plain and simply STUPID.
Mr. Donovan is one of those ANTI people. He has NEVER met a politician he likes and is only only AGAINST EVERYTHING... never offering better ways.
He has been like this for years and years. And you know what? That's FINE if he just wants to be a crank crackpot citizen making noise when he feels like it.
It is an entirely different matter when he is asking people to vote him into power so he can ruin this City.
And it is wholly irresponsible of The Peabody Patriot to put the hatred of Mayor Bonfanti ahead of the Needs of the Citizens of Peabody.

November 1, 2009 8:46 AM
Anonymous said...

WOW! PI are you off your meds again?
I don't think I ever demeaned you the way you have me.
The one thing I would do for the City is: (Sorry Mike)
Get Mike OUT OF THE Corner OFFICE!
How I will do it? Simple.
With the peabody voters support. Win the Election.
Why should the voters oust Mike?
Let's see. Mmmm....
Police: The police exam scandal comes to mind. No names please. The 9/11 holiday pay.
Fire: Asleep while manning the 911 desk. Again no names.
DPS: The deliberate pollution of our water supply. Amongst other things don't to be mentioned cause he's gone now.
And oh ya.
Eight years of increased homeowner property taxes.
But these are just a few reasons.
Bloggers feel free to add your own points. Schools maybe?
During the campaign I only mentioned the polluting of our water supply as this was done by the head of the DPS with the mayor's acceptance!
As to my experience and understanding of how city government works. Let me just say: Over the many years I have attended various city board meetings and participated in numerous public meetings and I believe I have a good sense of what is going on in Peabody government.
I can't say I seen your face at any of these meetings.
Yes, I respected Peter Torigian. I didn't agree with him on a number of issues but I respected the man.
Let me tell a short story about Peter and me. Years ago, Peter had made a deal to get a chemical plant built in the then new Centennial Industrial Park but he needed a zoning change. My neighbors and I fought the zoning changes that would have allowed that plant in the park.
See Zoning or RE-Zoning is IMPORTANT! The little details can kill you or ruin the quality of life in our neighborhoods.
Peter never forgot or forgave.
For some reason the site limited my text last night so I couldn't send. I had to abbreviate my writing this morning. More to come in another comment.

Russell Donovan, Candidate for Mayor
November 1, 2009 11:20 AM
Peabody_Insider said...

Mr. Donovan:

First let me say that I would never have made public comments about ANYONE (such as these I have made here) while someone was a private citizen. I certainly might have rolled my eyes and said, "Yup, that's Russ" - but I would never have attacked your positions in a forum public like this.
Until you asked us all to vote for you to become the highest ranking official in the City - a person directly responsible for the day to day administration of our City. Then, Mr. Donovan, you and your ideas are not only fair game for public discussion, but it is our civic duty to be discussing this important election and the candidates.
Now, when I rebuked the Peabody Patriot for endorsing you for mayor, I called them out on the fact that they GAVE NO REASONS TO VOTE FOR YOU... ONLY REASONS TO NOT VOTE FOR MAYOR BONFANTI.
And guess what!?! You did exactly the same thing!
You are not offering one bit more information as to WHY your are a good choice for mayor except that you don't go home to Mayor Bonfanti's house at night! Hell, my neighbor's 5-year old daughter doesn't either... is she also qualified because SHE ISN'T MIKE TOO?
I am sorry if you feel you have been publicly wronged by my statements and sentiments. But you are the one seeking high public office and you are the one saying people should cast their precious vote for mayor for YOU.
And the best you can do is tell us you are not Mike Bonfanti.
Well then, thank you sir. We are now well aware of this fact and I hope we will all vote appropriately.
Finally, Mr. Donovan, how can you tell that I haven't been to these public meetings? The City must hold between 3-6 meetings of one sort or another every week! If you indeed do attend all of them, good for you. But I also attend the ones I feel are important to attend when time permits. And since you don't know who I am, how can you possibly say that I haven't been there.
And really, don't you understand that their is a difference between attending a meeting and actually running a meeting? I mean I go to see movies... but that doesn't make me George Clooney??
Good luck with your campaign and I would actually welcome seeing you put some of your positions into writing here - since I have yet to be visited by you or receive ANY literature via mail or drop.

Sincerely, PI


Anonymous said...

I would like to see OG's endorsements.

the Outfront Guy* said...

OG says...
As the undeclared Mayoral candidate here in Dark City let me offer these predictions....and let me point out while doing so that these predictions do not pretend to be endorsements but simply predictions because it doesn't really matter who I "like" but rather who ends up winning on Tuesday...and remember this as for who you believe should be elected...don't listen to some whacky blogger like me or the guy who simply mailed you a Dear Friend card...
Mayor--Mayor to his final term.
Council--Bettencourt, Manning, Gravel, Liacos and Garabedian...more of the same old faces.
School Comm--Dunne, Niz and Hochman

I am not feeling the wave of "change" that some of you dream about it...if any city needed term limits then surely Peabody does...we just keep reelecting the same old faces...

Anonymous said...

I vote my conscious....and since I don't like Mayor Mike's systematic destruction of the school system or feel like Mr.Donovan has done anything to remotely make him a viable candidate, I'm going with the write-in approach.

Congratulations have 1 vote (well, maybe 2 if you cast a vote for yourself).

the Outfront Guy* said...

OG says...
say what you wish about Mayor Mike destroying the school system but he will argue that he saved this community a lot of money by fixing the high school instead of building a costly new one...and OG believes that we will finally see funding/work approved for the Higgins Middle School while Mayor Mike is still in office...and if each of these 'accomplishments' come to pass under Mayor Mike's watch it will be hard to deny that he got some things done for our school system while serving as our Mayor...with limited real estate taxation funds the progress will never be at the speed desired by ardent educational advocates...that is Dark City reality folks...accept the mediocrity that your low tax rate provides you.

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