Monday, November 2, 2009

School Committee Predictions and Endorsements

School Committee

This is the one race where the people of Peabody, and not just the parents of Peabody, can really have an impact on the future of our City.

The current crop of committee members was all too ready to stand by and allow the Mayor to disassemble the school system to balance the budget... while not bring a single job cut to the rest of the City. However, he was not alone in this action and the members of the School Committee need to face their poor choices and actions.

I would actually like to see both the incumbents out of their positions on the school committee. I am usually NOT a "Vote Out All The Bums... And They're ALL BUMS" kind of person, but this year, after the actions and antics - of these two members especially - I am more than willing to see what these new faces can bring to the School Committee and our school system.

I endorse:
  • Jarrod M. Hochman
  • John C. Olimpio
  • Thomas J. Rossignoll


I predict:
  • Beverley A. Griffin Dunne
  • Edward M. Nizwantowski
  • Jarrod M. Hochman

Please feel free to leave your own predictions and endorsements as well.


Anonymous said...

Gee, PI - Dunne voted against the budget. How did she stand by and help the Mayor disassemble the school system? She fought him at every meeting - where were you? If you got your news from the SNEWS, you didn't get the full picture. I was there at every meeting.

Peabody_Insider said...

I actually am against Dunne for her stance on banning books and thinking she knows better than professionals on how to do anything and everything. I was pressed for time and did not go into it in depth like for the ward councilor's races.

I am glad to hear she fought for the school system though, as I am sure she will win and that is one small concession.

I am glad there are folks like you out there, however who can take the time to watch after the school committee. I am completely sincere on that sentiment. I must apportion my time - life is just too busy - and since I don't have any young ones in the system seeing the intimate day-to-day operational shenanigans of the school committee is beyond my reach at the moment.

Please comment more - you are welcome here.

the Outfront Guy* said...

OG says...
once again PI we have selected the same three School Committee winners....I do believe that Hochman holds the edge over Rossignoll simply because he has run for SC in Dark City we have this twisted logic that the new guy must run twice to 'convince' us that they really want the job! We could do without sourpuss NIZ but I don't see the Peabody voters tossing out a guy that opposed bus fees...we shall see if we are visionaries in just about 24 hours...

Anonymous said...

Thank you, PI. I would also like to mention something about the "book banning" by Dunne. She never wanted to ban any books - she asked for choices for students. The language was very raw - especially for sixth grade kids. It was easier, and generated more newspaper sales, to say Dunne was out to ban books. She explained herself at the meetings, but that part never was reported, either. But, you have your opinion, and I respect your decision to speak your piece.

Tannercity4ever said...

It is unfortunate how much of the voters, those few who do turn out on election day, will not have a complete picture of the candidates on account of the media, SNEWS and the blogs, are unable to accurately and unbiasedly report facts.
The issue at hand is that is Dunne a book banning person? I think not. After the publicity of that event I picked the book up in question from the west branch library, and I agree the language was coarse and not something to be required of students to read.
The element is it was required, and I believe all Dunne wanted was a better reviewing panel and optional books to replace the required ones if the situation warranted it.
The school committee race should be a good one. With any luck, the incumbents will win and Mr. Rossignoll will join them. Thats my opinion, thats how I vote.

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