That being said,
I also believe he will win in a landslide.
Now, I also do NOT support Mr. Russ Donovan.
I think a recent exchange on The Peabody Patriot might be more illustrative than any new post here.
To begin, the Peabody Patriot (which I do not believe is being run by KD - at least not at the moment) did endorse Mr. Donovan for mayor. I strongly disagreed. Then had some back and forth which culminated in a personal message on the PP from Mr. Donovan... and finally my response.
I post these for your edification.
Please note that Mr. Donovan has made quite a list of "campaign issues" at the Peabody Patriot blog (link above) in response to my statements.
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Wednesday, October 28, 2009
I would like to see OG's endorsements.
OG says...
As the undeclared Mayoral candidate here in Dark City let me offer these predictions....and let me point out while doing so that these predictions do not pretend to be endorsements but simply predictions because it doesn't really matter who I "like" but rather who ends up winning on Tuesday...and remember this as for who you believe should be elected...don't listen to some whacky blogger like me or the guy who simply mailed you a Dear Friend card...
Mayor--Mayor to his final term.
Council--Bettencourt, Manning, Gravel, Liacos and Garabedian...more of the same old faces.
School Comm--Dunne, Niz and Hochman
I am not feeling the wave of "change" that some of you dream about it...if any city needed term limits then surely Peabody does...we just keep reelecting the same old faces...
I vote my conscious....and since I don't like Mayor Mike's systematic destruction of the school system or feel like Mr.Donovan has done anything to remotely make him a viable candidate, I'm going with the write-in approach.
Congratulations have 1 vote (well, maybe 2 if you cast a vote for yourself).
OG says...
say what you wish about Mayor Mike destroying the school system but he will argue that he saved this community a lot of money by fixing the high school instead of building a costly new one...and OG believes that we will finally see funding/work approved for the Higgins Middle School while Mayor Mike is still in office...and if each of these 'accomplishments' come to pass under Mayor Mike's watch it will be hard to deny that he got some things done for our school system while serving as our Mayor...with limited real estate taxation funds the progress will never be at the speed desired by ardent educational advocates...that is Dark City reality folks...accept the mediocrity that your low tax rate provides you. is very informative. The article is very professionally written. I enjoy reading every day.
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