Sunday, January 4, 2009

Peabody's Top Stories of 2008

A quick recap of what the Salem News (and a few others) considers to be the Top Peabody Stories of 2008

The Salem News: The top 10 local stories of 2008.

Dearborn Fire: May 29, 2008
While it has been stated by several officials that a single cigarette caused this blaze, there are others who see something sinister in the construction of the complex itself. I myself am satisfied with a State Fire Marshall’s report, but there are some who find official reports simply smokescreen when they get in the way of a good old fashioned conspiracy theory. Ahh where are the X-Files when you need them?

The Long saga of John “Jack” Brophy might have finally come to an end in 2008. The story, and the story of the story were interesting to follow. I will not bore people with all the details, but simplify it to this: For missing a 9-1-1 call and other issues Brophy was fired from the Peabody Fire Department, ultimately winning back his job, but then losing it again in a prolonged series of I got YOU… NO, I got YOU between the Mayor, the Chief and Brophy (and the lawyers, of course). The more interesting story to me was the horrendously slanted version of the Dozing Dispatcher played out almost daily in the Salem News. They were the ones to make up this silly name and then they REPORTED that people were calling him that! If I had any doubt about the journalistic integrity of the Salem News, I lost it then. By the way… I have known they have no integrity for a very long time.

Then came Lt. Edward Bettencourt, and another unhappy story. This time of a Peabody Police officer who used his authoritative position to spy on his fellow officers in a seemingly nonsensical action that netted him nothing but I know something you don’t know! Oh, and lost him his job and pension to boot. I was a bit dismayed by the reaction to the courts findings from blog readers. Many people were simply unwilling to consider that the courts were correct in their findings. Lt. Bettencourt could simply NOT be guilty because he coached kids baseball (or somesuch) was the general response. I find that so sad when many of these same people are all too ready to convict other public servants who they disagree with on little or no evidence... simply because they don’t like them.

Peabody Police Officer Justified in Fatal Shooting. This is certainly a sad tale for all involved. While the family might have lost a man dear to them, the officer who was responsible for his safety (and the safety of all of us) will carry this tragic action with him the rest of his life.

Peabody public services director resigns amid rumors. Dick Carnevale resigned as Director of Public Services. He has been a much unloved figure on most of the Peabody blogs for his actions/inactions concerning many issues, but chiefly over his handling of the water treatment waste overflows into Spring Pond. This story has fallen off the pages of the local media… but it is still on the minds of most of the folks who participate in these public forums. I must admit I too am of the opinion that we will never know the true extent of any of these issues.

So those were the big five (or so) as reported. What do you think? Are there any stories that should be included on this list? Please feel free to comment and tell us all how you feel.

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