The very best way to move forward and to improve the sad state of the Peabody school system is to.... HAND OUT EXTRA LARGE RAISES TO THE PRINCIPALS AND ADMINISTRATORS.
All the while raising the fees parents and students must pay and going back to the union employees with the expectation that they should give up some of their recent contract changes.
The Salem News: School chief gave administrator raises as others' jobs were cut
Frankly... this is an imbecilic move that unbelievably might even top some of Mayor Bonfanti's recent public relations gaffes! I mean WHAT WAS SUPERINTENDENT MILTON BURNETT THINKING???
I mean was he thinking.... This sure seems like the right time to give some of my top people raises that are more than 50% higher than what the rest of the people are getting? That the time sure is right with all the public support for teachers and the free flowing tax money?
Frankly... this is an amateur move. It is such a bad move I would consider this actionable... meaning it might be time for him to go.
At one time (and a different economic reality) I would be arguing that these people are probably under paid compared to some other folks and that retaining people should be a priority since we seem to play musical chairs with our school administrator in this City... but that is NOT the reality of today. To NOT recognize these real issues is to be ill fit for the position of power and authority required as Superintendent of Schools.
And then the absolute WORST part of the article was when High School Principal Edward Sapienza opened his mouth and made sure we all knew just how DAMN LUCKY we are that he is willing to LOWER HIMSELF to work in a place like Peabody... That is my interpretation of his words which are here:
Sapienza said even with his $106,424 salary he still earns less than high school principals in Danvers, Lynn, Marblehead and Swampscott and oversees more students than his counterparts.Well said Principal Sapienza, well said indeed. I however think that if you are really so darn smart... you should have known better than to have mouthed off like this making the Peabody school administration, and yourself, look foolish.
"If somebody wants to begrudge that, go ahead," he said.
The high school principal said he has 37 years of experience and two master's degrees he paid for himself.
"I've got a wealth of experience," he said. "I think I'm a very good bargain."
Administrators don't have unions to negotiate their contracts and must individually make the case for salaries, Sapienza said. They, like the unions, seek equity in pay and benefits.
Sapienza said he sympathized with people who were losing their jobs. He chose to be an educator while others opted to go into the private sector.
"It's still America," he said. "You can still choose to be whatever you want to be."
I can only guess that the real fool here would be the Principal who accepted a job that pays too little in the first place. I do not begrudge people raises, but I DO begrudge them to BITE the hand that feeds them.
AT THE VERY MOST... these administrators should have received the same raises as the unions did... which is exactly the way it works in City Hall (and elsewhere in the City I believe.) But to be FIRING TEACHERS while GENEROUSLY REWARDING the administrators (people who will rarely have a direct impact on a student's life) is simply terrible.
The Salem News omitted a key piece of information (as they so often do when reporting raises of public officials): is this for a single year? Or does it represent, say, 6% total, spread out over 2-3 years?
For those of you new to this issue, Ed Sapienza, before he got into management, used to be a key player in the rank-and-file teachers union negotiations, as a teacher.
Are either of you anons planning on running for an office that could cause "change" in this "disgraceful" situation? If not, you might as well shut up. There is nothing more impotent than a person who whines about current politics but doesn't have the impetus to get out of the computer chair and DO SOMETHING. These blogs are littered with the remains of such Do-Nothings.
Needham...actually I like to comment on these blogs since they are read by such high-minded individuals like yourself. It feels good to be in such good company.
I think that people can honestly be unhappy with the people who have been both elected and hired to represent them in government.
Not all of us can stop our lives and run for office or work for the City. However, we can all work to make this a better City and sometimes that does include noticing what is wrong and discussing it in a forum like this.
Will that change the world, maybe not but it might get more people thinking...
OG says..
this is a mind boggling is beyond my comprehension...just when you thought that you have heard it all with respect to Peabody education we get this latest decision...I just mailed my $100 bus fee payment this week...can I dig that envelope out of the mailbox now ? this is absolutely nuts !! and hey, Needhams Corner--you're right..we can bitch and moan all we want but the kind of change that we really need here in Dark City will NEVER happen in my lifetime.
The story implies that Peabody did something different than the norm. Is there any city or town that DID NOT give principals raises? I'd be curious to know.
arrogance in the corner office spreads like cancer througout the city. once you get the job "you can do what ever you want"
You post and opine on this blog, what are you running for? Perhaps you should shut up as well.
Anon asks, "Is this the norm in other towns?"
Well I will answer with the truth. Yes, in some and no, in others.
The big question here is the combination of CUTS in teachers and RAISES to the administrators.
And not just raises that are the same as everyone else gets... (unions, non-union City Hall workers and managers, etc.
But up to 50% more than the rest of these people!
Coupled with the unabashed arrogance that not only do these folks DESERVE MORE but they ARE DOING US A BIG FAVOR by even working in our crappy system.
NOW... forget that this actually might be what these people think... and I think the HS principal made his feelings quite clear... BUT the STUPIDITY of 1) the timing (cuts and financial woes) and 2) the utter lack of understanding of how public relations works... these make me question the abilities of these people to actually lead a City School System.
And that goes for the Superintendent, the Mayor and all the administrators - who frankly look guilty by association.
Of course... they would need to go even farther into the absurd to our do the Mayor/Police Union insult to everyone with the 9/1/1 fiasco.
I STILL hear about that from friends across the country.
To Anon (July 15, 2009 9:30 AM): Who argues that Needhams Corner should put up or shut up about complaining vs running...
You know what... haven't we ALL felt like this at one time or another? I feel like maybe I should get into the political fray - even though I know it will cost me big time (money, career, family time, friendships, colleagues, etc.) And in the end I know I am not electable in this City.
So does that mean I am not allowed to complain... well certainly not. Does it mean that I don't try to make things better in many ways? I do. I try discussing the issues and to generate public debate. When I can I try and educate with knowledge I have or I find out through research. I participate in public meetings and express my views to our elected officials.
In all, I think I am acting like ALL good citizens should.
And yet... sometimes I too read an angry, sarcastic or simply snotty comment on here and think... Well if you think that... then do something about it don't just complain about it! But in retrospect I know it was simply someone's frustration at a system that doesn't seem to be considering the real people in Peabody... and instead often seems to have an agenda that is both invisible (by design) and promotes fiscal restraint in the hopes of reelection.
So I share Needhams Corner's frustrations, and yet I don't agree with NC on this last post.
OG says.
hey PI-why aren't you electable? I wonder if it's the same reasons that I'm not electable ?
PI/OG - no need to worry, it's now fully understood that everyone was doing that in the 60's.
OK, this seems to be the only place left to ask questions. So I will ask one:
Why do I not see "Tony Carli" signs in ward 1?
Why haven't any of the papers mentioned his name?
Isn't there a primary in a couple of weeks?
Is Rob Forti going to be our next ward 1 councilor?
Is anyone running this blog? Plenty to talk about lately; Are you reading the papers?
The papers always mention Tony Carli's name when they talk about the challengers in ward one.
Tony Carli has a commercial/advertisement playing on the TVs at the YMCA - it is pretty good. People should check it out. Tony also has a website -
Tony is a great guy that is running a 21st century campaign - it is all new media and it is about time. I hate those stupid yard signs - they are antiquated as is people ringing my door bell at all hours to let me know they are running. Come into the 21st century people!
Ms. McIntyre and all:
First, Welcome.
I actually have not seen too much of interest in the papers recently.
Now, I have been waiting for more information about the Water Tower situation at Dearborn - after a pretty good news search turned up nothing that actually said Dearborn was going to pay for a tower (in the past.) And then todays Salem News has a better researched article - I do plan on commenting on that.
Here is the problem... I don't feel like I am adding anything to the "discussion" if I just post the same news article in the Salem News, Peabody Weekly News or the Lynn Item... You can go on-line or read those stories yourself. I try and post something when I either have something extra to add, or have an opinion to express.
So here are some others I have been thinking about... but don;t really know if they are worth a post... what do you think?
Flashing sign enforcement
Peabody to hike meal, room taxes
Peabody seeks library bond, department consolidation money
Cameras at Peabody High
Now I do plan on updating the current lists of candidates for office... I just haven't gotten to it yet.
So please, email or comment if you have an idea for something you would like to see.
The ward 1 race is between Barry Osborne and forti. As Tom Grelish wrote in the Citizen a few weeks ago, it will be an easy victory for Barry, but having new support is always good. What Carli needs to do is throw his endorsement for Osborne and have whatever supporters he has back Barry as well. Then in 2011, Barry can help Carli make a run for an at large seat.
Forti has ward 1 locked up. The question is this:
Who will not make it past the primary?
time for change
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