Thursday, August 13, 2009

Community Development Director Delios is Moving On

Community Development director Jean Delios is leaving the City of Peabody for a new job in Reading.

The Salem News: City's top planner to take new job in Reading

There are many who blame Ms. Delios for the pro-development stance that seems to be the way of life here in Peabody. I don't think that this is particularly true, although I do think that Community Development has been more about business and about community for a while now. Ultimately it is the Mayor who is responsible for the overall City position regarding development - and the new moneys that brings into a community.

Mayor Bonfanti recently was quoted in an article stating that he is "pro business" - the exact quote is was...

"We are pro-business because we understand that business is the lifeblood of the city," Mayor Michael Bonfanti said. -Salem News

I can't imagine that the citizens of Peabody really want this attitude in the person who is leading the City! Even in these difficult economic times most people can see that Peabody is rather built up and doesn't have much room for new development - changes, upgrades, renovations, consolidations... sure... but lots of new growth seems counter productive.


Anonymous said...

GOOD ! I hope it don't stop there. Carnevelle ,now Delios. now get rid of Howcroft, Kologzie & McCarthy. thats just a short list,there's many more that could go without hurting the city in anyway. think of the money saved. maybe our taxes wouldn't go this year.

Anonymous said...

If we lose anyone else I hope it is the Mayor!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ding dong, the witch is dead.

Needham's Corner said...

I hope Anon 8:52a is either a retired city worker or an on-vaca city worker - and not an on-duty city worker stealing from the taxpayers by blogging on company time! Any other obscure we've-never-heard-of DPS workers (whose names you spectacularly misspell) whom you want to get rid of??

the Outfront Guy* said...

OG says...
was Delios really the 'problem' or was it our lethargic City Council on the downtown development and vision issue?? you decide...but I don't think our rigor mortis was because of her.

Gardner Park said...

Good riddance to Mean Jean.

She spearheaded the CPA (A tax by another name) and if the nice people in Reading do not have the CPA in place, they had better prepare themselves.

How can the Mayor say this city is pro-business when all they have accomplished w/Community Development is deplete existing commercial zoned land and change it to residential land. Commercial zoned land helps keep our taxes low and if you deplete know the rest of the story.

The 40B buyout of the development on Lowell Street was spearheaded by Ms. Delios. City hall windows, the list goes on and on are all due to the Mayor failing to reign in Community Development.

She can take her text book approach to another city (where she does not reside).

Is it possible this was a political move by Mayor Bonfanti?? I think so.

You heard it here first...I see Judy Otto make a play for her former position.

Anonymous said...

Needham's Corner must have his head up the mayors a$$.

Needham's Corner said...

To Gardner Park: the CPA was adopted in Peabody long before Ms. Delios got here. Maybe Nelson is right: the blogosphere sucks at accuracy.

Needham's Corner said...

Sorry, PI, I didn't mean you. I know you are a scrupulous fact-checker. (Unlike your readership.)

Gardner Park said...

Needhams Corner,

I stand corrected and cannot pin the CPA on mean Jean.

The CPA was enacted in the November 2001 election. Jean came on board when Mayor Mike won in 2002 (November 2001 election). I would not call this (as you say) "long before Jean came on board". Nonetheless I stand corrected.

Let me replace the CPA with the Oil spill at the Endicott Street facility.

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