Russ Donovan has pulled nomination papers for Mayor of Peabody. This does not mean he is running, first he must return to the clerk's office by Tuesday with signatures from 50 residents of Peabody. This seems quite do-able and I would be glad to sign his (or anyone's) nomination papers if they are a serious candidate.
This is good. I like serious candidates running for office. I dislike uncontested races. It all makes for better government and certainly better public communication.
I would like to know much more about Mr. Donovan. But that will be a different post.
The Salem News: Russ Donovan takes out nomination papers
Does anyone find it rather odd that the Salem News has been running several articles about the unchallenged mayors on the North Shore recently... and when someone finally steps up to the plate and actually makes a challenge.... the news article is pushed into the middle of the most boring issue of the week (Monday.)
I mean... can you believe the TOP FOLD BANNER HEADLINE that Mr. Donovan got bumped for? Peabody Upgrades School Supply List, which is apparently news to the Salem News because they are all living in 1985 still? I mean they think a USB drive costs at least $10? Here Peabody parents... go here and get one for $2.00, or get one free from many businesses as handout gifts.
So a fluff story about the need for back to school stuff gets top billing and the announcement of the only challenger to a major sitting Mayor on the North Shore gets this crappy coverage?
Does anyone else still exist out there who thinks Mayor Bonfanti does NOT get special treatment from the Salem News? I'm not saying that the Mayor or his campaign had anything to do with this placement, in fact, I am sure that this challenge is seen as a non challenge to their camp. It is the Salem News who is showing their hand in my opinion.
Farewell Dark City....
12 years ago
Mr. Donovan is a largely unknown candidate at this point. He's not even a candidate yet, just someone who pulled papers.
What would you have the SEN publish?
I would have published that this is the first person who is coming forward to challenge a popular sitting mayor in an election year where this is not really happening anywhere else on the North Shore.
I mean they have already had 4+ main articles telling us about how there are no challengers... and here is the first.
Certainly a bigger story than School kids need to bring a basic 1995 gadget to school now.
Again, this is not anything to do with either candidate... it has to do with the Salem News and biased reporting.
GOOD ! it's about time in this city of over 50K people we have somebody that has a backbone & cares about the taxpayers. good luck Russ
Donovan has turned in his papers and was given the OK by Tim Spanos. Reported on the Patriot earlier today.
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