* * U P D A T E D * *
** I re-read my original post and felt that I went too far into a personal attack. You may judge for yourself - here is the original. I have modified this post to be more in line with what I would like to see in a political blog.
What exactly is the reason that City Councilor Rico Mello has for wishing to be a representative of the citizens of Ward 3 and the rest of the City of Peabody?
He seems to have a desperate need to be constantly the center of attention in any City Council meeting, which (frankly) isn't the worst thing in the world... but only IF you actually do some work to UNDERSTAND the complex issues facing the City... and not just spout off about whatever pops into your head!?
Councilor Mello considers himself a PROTECTOR of the people and frankly... but this is not what I see. He is often vocal, which is fine, but mostly the result is bluster and grandstanding... and what has he actually got to to show for all these antics?
We have heard all this before... why is it that Ward 3 seems to have such unhappy leaders? It has been said that this has to do with a mindset that is based on an earlier way of life - one that sadly is long gone and will never return. OK. I can accept that it is difficult for some folks to see the old ways passing on. But they do... and they are gone.
Ward 3, and the entire City of Peabody, need leaders who will look beyond petty grievances and differences and embrace the needs of ALL Peabody citizens.
If Councilor Mello (or any civic leader) is NOT a person who can understand the difficult times we live in AND act as an advocate for the citizens... they need to reconsider their role in our government.
Just standing up and saying "NO!" all the time is NOT leadership... it is the easiest of actions - one that seem to be the nervous reaction of a people who simply do not understand the complexities of modern government.
Councilor Mello...
NO! To turning a haz-mat site into a City park for his Ward?????
NO! To the Portuguese-American War Veterans (and the citizens of Peabody)?????
I could go on but you all know it as well as I do...
WHY are you voting against the projects that will be beneficial to the citizens of our community?
So I really hope that if Councilor Mello decides to run again in this years race he will decide to be a LEADER, he will take the time to UNDERSTAND the complexities of city government and be willing to GOVERN with the needs of ALL the Citizens of Peabody in mind.
OG says...
strong words PI..but I have to agree with you.
Vacation's over.
I modified those strong words.
I believe them and you can read them HERE if you want.
I decided that they were too much of a personal attack and not enough a critique of his actions.
I am still not happy with Councilor Mello... but I would prefer to be a part of a blog that sticks to facts and doesn't devolve into angry rants.
Isn't it the first job of a city councilor to represent their constituents. Allowing the vets to sell would benefit the vets therefore his proposal made sense for HIS constituents. What may not make sense is all the other councilors that backed him, according to the article.
OG says..
you know you're right...the first job of a WARD councilor is to take care of your constituents....and if Mello is speaking for the MAJORITY in his ward then in principle I don't have an issue with that....we have to remember that not all of them are councilors at large but I do think that any councilor has to balance the constituent/ward view of things with the greater good of the city view of things as well...it can be a challenging balance at times.
a ward councilor's job! The at-large councilors may think of the whole city but the ward councilor sole purpose is to protect his ward. Now it is the Mayors job to protect the city & think of what is best for the city as a whole but we know that doesn't happen. The fact that Mello stands up against the mayor & for his ward would be applauded in any other city.
Not sure what happened to the top of my post but here it is.
A ward councilors jog is to look out for his ward not the rest of the city!
So now wait a second here...
How is screwing up the entire deal for the Portuguese-American Vets HELPING ANYONE?
This doesn't help the vets... How do you seeing this as helping the vets? Here is a quote from the Salem News article of 3/17/09
"The city would sell its building at 103 Tremont St. to its longtime occupant, the Portuguese-American War Veterans Post, for $1. The post would then use the building as collateral to borrow money to pay for much-needed improvements, like a new roof and sprinkler system. If, at some future date, the post were to dissolve or move, the building would be deeded back to the city.
The veterans had the permanent home they wanted. The city satisfied a valued constituency and protected its stake in a valuable asset. "
So the vets would have had a permanent home... one they could have repaired/renovated exactly as they desired using the equity in the building (since they were getting it for $1).
The only stipulation was a protection for the City and its taxpayers... if you leave it... it goes back to the City.
Simple and clear and smart. But (unfortunately) not simple enough for Councilor Mello to understand.
OG says...
how many politicians have run on the platform of 'building consensus'? it's a great cliche isn't it? we hear this cliche in just about every election for every office!! but guys like Mello have no concept or concern about 'consensus'.
Here is a recent Boston Globe OpEd piece on Bipartisanship, by Sam Haselby, that I found interesting.
I think that there is a huge difference between going along to get along and agreeing to disagree on issues.
I want our elected officials to be active debaters when discussing the issues - problems and potential solutions - to our City's owes. I want them to come with ideas (old and new) and to discuss them openly and without prejudice or preconception. I NEED them to put aside petty or local squabbles and look to the big picture which is all about improving life for everyone in this City!
So... why not try and first find where people can AGREE on things and them work beyond that to actions that can help achieve these goals? Is it really that hard?
The politician I will most admire is the one who addresses his or her constitutes and tells them honestly that "Even though you do not want THIS to happen, and I fully understand you don't want THIS to happen, I am going to vote to DO THIS because it is in the best interest of the entire City."
That politician will probably lose many votes with such a statement... but it will EARN mine.
Well it seems Councilor Mello has rethought his actions of the previous meeting and the City Council has reversed its amendment to the (previously) agreed upon deal between the City and the P-A Veterans.
I applaud Councilor Mello's actions here and am glad to see that he reached out to the players involved - and finally got his facts straight.
Salem News Story
These are the actions that an elected official needs to do (calling the parties involved, checking with the City attorneys, checking with other relevant experts/professionals) BEFORE you show up at the very public Council meeting and mislead and misinform the proceedings.
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