Probably if a couple of councillors dropped their ridiculous perk of full-time health benefits for part-time work, the City would save enough to ensure the continuation of this tradition. Why is building a sense of community in this town being represented as a "frill" that can be cut? In a day when there are lesssened ties between people and neighborhoods, why cut something that so many find enjoyable?
I challenge the mayor and city council to find some other $12,000 to cut with lesser impact on families and our collective enterprise of celebrating our Americanness (even if it's only with silly parades, games, and BBQ). George Peabody opened his house in London every July 4 to expatriates and American tourists who happened to be in town. From all accounts, it was quite a party. In this town named in his memory, let's honor that spirit.
Great post, NC. I love the George Peabody fact. It certainly sheds an even harsher light on the proposed July 4 cancellation. I certainly hope they can find away to save the celebrations.
Apparently we were both making a post at the same time and you beat me!
And the same sad topic to boot.
Well... I am GLAD you made your first post! WELCOME!
No prob, PI. Thanks for your post.
OG says...
rdforti ?? where have you gone Joe Dimaggio?
fuel for the fire?? Adding my take on cutting costs, where and how. Does the 12K for 4th celebrations need to be cut? Why should they be untouchable. I know most have cut entertainment expenses first in this time of economic downturn. Yes cut the costs for the celebrations if need be. In the past I have offered cuts that while to some were to small, and understandably so.
Now on to Mr. Gamaches' silly little proposal. In my view, Mr. G. is doing nothing more than pandering to Peabody's largest voting bloc. In the past I offered the idea of ridding our selves of a 10K costs that favored very few. The ever popular summer concert series. Now I don't believe I ever said for this series to be cancelled, just for costs to be cut and in my opinion cut to zero. Could the same be done for the 4th celebrations? I believe they can. Cut costs NOT the events.
W.W. the cost is no longer 10k it is now 15k in the 2009 Community Programs Budget.
I hope you don’t take this the wrong way but, are you telling us you think these programs; costing 27K total for both should be cut? Why not look into those city cars you always talk about first. How about the new city hall roof bid of 400k maybe that could be trimmed a bit? Or better yet the budget was completed before the contracts were signed. So are we not looking at health care surplus of at least 800k? It is clearly stated in the Mayors Summary that health care was still at 10%/90%, now it is at 15%/85% correct? The Mayor goes onto say in the summary that contracts are being negotiated the numbers could change if the union agrees to take a higher % for their members. I say until some of these questions are answered leave the residents programs alone.
I am not in support of increasing health care costs to employees until all avenues of savings have been investigated. YES the car costs should be on top of any list for cutting. YES there are many items that could be cut FIRST, BUT to think that programs such as concerts and entertainment cannot be run at a much smaller or NO cost is not financially prudent in my view. To repeat an important part of my post, I never said CUT these type programs!! Cutting the costs are another issue and one I find more appealing.
I have not looked at the city budget for awhile but I know from the past there are oddities. telephone costs being one, though I have no intimate knowledge of business tele costs on this large of a scale. I've often brought up issues of multiple costs for energy from different depts within ONE building. We may in fact have a very apt finacial officer within our city but that does not mean they are either capable OR of the mind to cut costs. Cutting costs does not mean cutting items or programs, it does however mean to provide same amenities at a lower rate. Outside services may just be an avenue worth investigating. Hiring some one to plant vegetation when we have workers already on payroll for such work. Hiring of outside services to cut park lawns when we have workers on payroll to do such jobs.
I could go on but this post was in relationship to the cutting of one particular event and tried to keep my view to that in my past response. Also note that I stated I believed Mr. Gamache's attention to this issue was a purely political ploy to the largest voting block in our fine city. Off subject please also notice the "shovel ready" projects list containing all the new stoves for the same bloc. AHHH the ever ready trump card for winning elections.
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