Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Peabody blogs are like the weather... ~UPDATED~

Peabody blogs are like the weather... Wait a minute and they will all change! Except for the Peabody Roundtable of course.

It seems like the world of Peabody blogs has yet again had a sea change.

And a new version of The Peabody Patriot has emerged with nary a word about who is running it or what has transpired.

Keith has reopened Peabody Elections
Old Post: (Keith has changed the status of Peabody Elections to invited participants only (I am NOT one btw)...)

As always... interesting times here in Peabody.


the Outfront Guy* said...

OG says...
and so it goes...and so it goes...PI and OG may not get official invites to KD's exclusive domain but so be it...if KD chooses to surround himself with dreamweavers and eternal optimists then so be it...

Peabody_Insider said...

I am more inclined to think he is on hiatus and just has shuttered the place from everyone for a while.

These blogs have pretty limited controls over how you can run them.

I hope he is back in the mix here in blog land soon.

When are YOU going to start up a blog OG? :-)

Hey Keith, get a life said...

Keith's a nut job. Why would you close a blog? Why doesn't he just email his one friend personally with his inane ramblings?

Blogs are supposed to be free and open forums. In fact, you can't even technically call something that's closed to the general public a "blog."

Thank God we didn't elect this guy to school committee. What a clown.

Keep up the good work, PI.

Peabody_Insider said...

I see Keith's blog is back up.
It could simply have been a blogger glitch... but maybe he was doing some experimenting with the blog... or...?

But I am glad to see it is back.

the Outfront Guy* said...

OG says...
OG has been asked before to get into the Peabody Blogosphere but I am very content being a mild mannered participant. OG tries to stay diplomatic and cordial in most exchanges and the power, control and time needed to have my very own blog is not of interest to is amusing to see the various blog chieftains come and go and it seems that you and I are the only real constants....I'll bet there are many out there who would love to 'unmask' us to put the face with the comments but anonymity rules !!

Anonymous said...

I don't know. I think I know who U are OG. Hmmmm.

the Outfront Guy* said...

OG says...
good for you Anon....good for you....and who really cares "who" OG is anyways? why would this be vital information to anyone?

Peabody_Insider said...

Well I agree.
I have always said that
1) no one knows who I am and
2) they wouldn't know me if they did know and
3) they would be disappointed that I wasn't someone they thought I was!

As far as anons... I am fine with everyone being anon. I just wish people would pick ONE NAME and stick with it so we can follow a understanding of WHO you are from your postings... meaning: that we can see a pattern of thought over time and thus better engage in understanding and conversation.

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