Friday, May 1, 2009

School Committee

This is the area for people to post comments on the race for School Committee which has three seats open:

Beverley A. Griffin Dunne
Edward M. Nizwantowski

Jarrod M. Hochman
John C. Olimpio
Thomas J. Rossignoll

Incumbent Mike Moutsoulas is not seeking re-election


the Outfront Guy* said...

OG says...
Is their a School Committee race in progress? Geez, you could have fooled me. As these school budget talks drag on wouldn't this be a grand time for a fresh voice to appear on the radar screen yelling ENOUGH!! Ooops, forgive me...I forgot that the campaigns here in Dark City don't start 'til the day after Labor Day (which is late this year)...and the uninvolved voters who actually schlep their way to the polls simply vote for whoever someone told them to vote for...silly me.

Peabody_Insider said...

I know what you mean OG...

With all the media attention focused on the schools, and the drastic measures being undertaken, you would think that ANYONE who was considering a run would want to be out in front of the media making their positions known.

We could SO use some real leadership in the school committee. People who will be fair but firm in their PRIORITY to provide the best education for our children.

Peabody_Insider said...

As per recent post, Michael Moutsoulas has decided not to seek re-election.

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