Friday, May 1, 2009

Ward 4: City Council

This is the area for people to post comments on the race for Ward 4 City Councilor

Robert E. Driscoll

Jeffrey B. Grayson


Peabody_Insider said...

From The Peabody Patriot:

Jeff Grayson has pulled papers to run for Ward 4 Councilor!

Peabody_Insider said...

I posted at Mr. Grayson's election facebook page asking for more specific reasons why he would be a better choice than Bob Driscoll and to explain his ideas.

I look forward to hearing them.

Needham's Corner said...

I'm hearing that Jeff Grayson is out and about, walking the ward and both listening to residents about their concerns and sharing his ideas about what he would bring to government.

He sounds like an energetic young guy with a lot of great ideas. But don't take my word for it: call him, meet him, and make up your own minds!

Anonymous said...

I have seen a number of signs for Jeff Grayson and will be looking to put one up on my lawn.
It would be so good to have someone who looks interested and awake at the meetings.
"New" blood often works wonders.

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Photo credit: Elizabeth Thomsen, CCL