Friday, May 1, 2009

Ward 5: City Council

This is the area for people to post comments on the race for Ward 5 City Councilor

David R. Gamache (unopposed)


Lulu said...
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Peabody_Insider said...

The kindergarten blog is not found here. Please at least try and elevate the discourse to an adult intelligence level.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Croce will step out from behind the curtain. You never know, he may not want to be embarassed publicly now thatr his girls are older...

Peabody_Insider said...

Well... is losing an election an embarrassment? I for one don't think so. Not if you run on real issues and put real effort into the task at hand.

The only embarrassment would be if your positions are truly idiotic and people decide your views are simply nuts. But even in that case, if you are true to yourself, you should never be embarrassed by them.

I am all for people who really want to serve the needs of the citizens (As they see them) to come forward and seek election.

I have said before and will say again that I will sign ANYONE'S petition to be on the ballot... even someone I completely disagree with because it is important for the whole process to work.

Lulu said...
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Peabody_Insider said...

Post removed.
Stay on topic at a non juvenile level.

Anonymous said...

Censorship is alive and well in the land of the Peabody Roundtable. Way to go Keith: taking down comments is the quickest way to kill a blog. What a loser.

Peabody_Insider said...

Hello Anon (May 22, 2009 7:05 PM):

I am not Keith. Keith has a blog called Peabody Elections and it is located HERE. You should go and check it out.

Now as for the CENSORSHIP...
It is plain and simple. You can post anything you like if you:

1) Keep your language in checkand
2) Don't act juvenile and post stupid thingsThis is a blog for adults, and those who act like adults, to discuss the issues of the day. If people choose to comment with name calling and 3rd grade antics... they will be removed like misbehaving children from a church service.

I make no apologies for this policy and I will enforce it when necessary.

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Photo credit: Elizabeth Thomsen, CCL