Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy New Year Everyone!

This past year has been one of the tough ones. So many people having difficulties; some because they were playing it a little too close for comfort, but many others who have been suffering due to no fault of their own.

Some are saying nothing good has come from this past year, but I disagree. There are many who have left us and others who have risen to high places. Times are hard, but they are not hopeless.
I look forward to closing the book on this first decade of the 21st century - not because it was only filled with sorrow and trouble because it was not. No, I look forward to the great potential that a new decade might bring... to new triumphs and new opportunities, to new ideas and new possibilities.

I know that this City, this State, this Country and our World can be a better place when each of us is willing to consider other points of view and to seek consensus with sound reason for all our mutual benefit. After all, we are ALL in this together... no matter what any one of us may think.

I wish you peace and joy, good health
and good fortune this coming year.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Changes in the Blog World yet again...

*** UPDATED ***
The Peabody Patriot has returned. Maybe they were
just experiencing a glitch? Who knows.
But I would rather see MORE blogs, and
points of view, rather than fewer.

It seems that the Peabody Patriot blog (aka Peabody Elections) has left the scene (again.) I am basing this on the fact that it has been several days and all you get is...
"The blog you were looking for was not found."

Now that blog was originally titled Peabody Politics and politics was the main focus, so maybe it will re-emerge when the political realm kicks up again.

Now sadly it seems that the new blog, the Twisted Tanner, is more interested in being the National Enquirer of Peabody, rather than a place for adults to meet and discuss issues in an intelligent manner. I had held out hopes... and was certainly impressed with the amount of posts - and comments - even in the very first few days.

And while the posts keep coming, they are lowering any sense of standards each day. Name calling, insulting nicknames, blatant favoritism and rumor presented as fact are becoming more and more prevalent.

This all seems very deliberate and it is obviously the work of one of the previous Patriots (or more than one I believe) and has lost both a Peabody focus and all semblance of credibility.

That is sad and unfortunate for us all.

I was asked if I planned on "Closing Shop" or "Throwing in the Towel." Well, no actually. If I were to decide that bloging wasn't for me any longer, I would write a post saying so and then stop. I certainly wouldn't just disappear... I frankly find that incredibly insulting to the people who read and participate.

And as for "Throwing in the Towel," that sounds like a contest with winners and losers. I certainly do not see this as a contest and I absolutely don't consider blogging, or not, winning or losing.

When this very busy season is done, I will have many things to discuss with you I am sure. We live in a City that seems to breed nothing but controversy and everyone has an opinion on these things. I look forward to hearing your and sharing mine.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

We are often over burdened in our hectic and harried lives ,
especially during these difficult economic times.
Today, Thanksgiving Day, is a very special time when we
can stop the roller coaster, if for just one hour, and
concentrate on the people and situations that make
our daily existence worthwhile and even joyous.

Please have a safe and joyous day of thanks.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Congratulations Bob Driscoll

The recount is over and the winner of the Ward 4 race is Bob Driscoll... or is it? Well while there were some "issues" (two ballots missing per the Salem News, 10 missing per the bloggers), all involved have come to accept the new results as final.

Councilor Bob Driscoll has been
re-elected Ward 4 Councilor

The process may have had a few glitches in it, but in the end, I believe, the voters were fairly represented.

The Salem News: Peabody's Driscoll wins recount by 2

This was a very good example of real democracy in action. I was so pleased to see that BOTH candidates had decided to ask for a recount in order to ensure that the will of the people was being fairly represented.

I think that as far as City Council races in Peabody go, this was a very respectful and collegial race - two qualities that should be well heeded in many of the other races around this City.

I think Councilor Driscoll should be considering this coming term as his swansong and make sure to get done what he would like to see as his legacy on the City Council. I think it will soon be Mr. Grayson's turn to lead this Ward and to help steer the City.

My congratulation to both gentlemen for a well fought battle and for showing us how to act in both victory and defeat.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Ward 4 Recount Saturday

2,299 people came to the polls in Ward 4 back on November 3rd to cast votes for Ward 4 Councilor. And, as it turns out... only 1 vote really mattered!

Incumbent City Councilor Bob Driscoll received 1,150 votes while challenger, and political newcomer, Jeff Grayson received 1,149 votes.

The next time someone tells you that their vote doesn't matter in this world... send them to Ward 4.

In a race this close it is almost a requirement to have a recount of the ballots to assure that the will of the people is accurately carried out. I was quite glad to see BOTH candidates step up to ask for an official recount of this election. And while it was certainly expected of Mr. Grayson, it was quite the classy move by longtime Councilor Driscoll.

The recount will be done by hand and it will have witnesses (and lawyers) from both sides present. I can only predict with absolute certainty that City Clerk Tim Spanos will continue to do the excellent job that is his trademark for his many years at City Hall.

The Salem News: Recount in Ward 4 Councilor race scheduled for Saturday
Peabody News: Despite thin margin in Ward 4, lackluster turnout at the polls

Now for my opinion.

I absolutely hope that when the votes are rechecked that Mr. Grayson emerges as the winner of the election. This is not because I dislike Councilor Driscoll, because I do not. I just feel that Councilor Driscoll has had his time at the helm, and while he has never really done anything to harm Ward 4, he has not been the tireless and PRO-ACTIVE advocate for Ward 4 that I believe Mr. Grayson will be.

I spoke with both candidates during the election season and I must say that I was wholeheartedly impressed by Mr. Grayson and his energy for Ward 4 AND the rest of the City. He has a vision and new ideas and a huge desire to get to work and try and solve some of these lingering problems faced by the City of Peabody.

Now, Councilor Driscoll has been trying to deal with these same (and evolving) problems the City faces for 22 years. He has needed to come to terms with the knowledge that many times there is just NOTHING that can be done because of the situation, politics, money, connections - you name it! Something always gets in the way of true progress.

Mr. Grayson has not yet been forced to face these (perhaps insurmountable?) problems. And he may indeed find that when confronted with them, he too will eventually find no way to solve them and can only do his best to more for small incremental improvements - all the while desiring great changes.

But he is not yet jaded by the fight or cowed by the enormity of the job. For these reasons I would like to see his new spirit unleashed on the City Council in the hopes that he might be the spark to reinvigorate this flagging body... as well as the community they serve.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A new Peabody Blog?

A new Peabody Blog has apparently sprung up right after the recent election.

The Twisted Tanner

I see that the owner has chosen not to list an email address or other contact information so far, so I could not contact this person to get permission to post a link to this new site.

However, as he/she has already posted at the Peabody Patriot, and has a link to the site from their name... and the Patriot has already linked to it... I feel that it is not inappropriate to point you all towards this new blog in a post.

To the Twisted Tanner, Welcome! I have not yet delved into your blog (I've just read some of the headlines) but I welcome additional voices to the discussion.

Please email me and let me know if I may add a link to your blog. And while I see you already have linked to this one - please understand that I am fine with it.

Again, welcome!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Election Results (From Salem News)

7,468 - Bonfanti
2,712 - Donovan

7,363 - Bettencourt
5,952 - Gravel
5,729 - Manning
5,725 - Garabedian
5,315 - Liacos
4,376 - Moutsoulas
4,238 - Aylward

1,083 - Osborne
0,993 - Forti

1,150 - Driscoll
1,149 - Grayson

1,366 - Sinewitz
0,993 - Sheehan

6,297 - Dunne
5,655 - Rossignoll
4,936 - Hochman
4,167 - Nizwantowski
4,088 - Olimpio

7,183 - Paras
3,914 - Wheatley
3,387 - Bonfanti
2,153 - Chancey

LIBRARY... all will get in

Peabody Patriot reporting election results live tonight

The Peabody Patriot is reporting election results live.

Monday, November 2, 2009

City Election, Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Please vote. It is what countless American's before you have fought and died for... so that you can have the opportunity to express your right to have the government of your choosing. Not voting is both unpatriotic and a damning indictment of our system of government. It also means that you choose not to matter... and you do matter.

Where to vote: Massachusetts Voting Information

Voting location in Peabody by Ward and Precinct.

Ward 1 - 1: St. Ann’s Church Hall, 140 Lynn Street
Ward 1 - 2: Woodbridge Assisted Living, 240 Lynnfield St
Ward 1 - 3: St. Ann’s Church Hall, 140 Lynn Street
Ward 2 - 1: Welch School Gym, end of Swampscott Ave
Ward 2 - 2: Welch School Gym, end of Swampscott Ave
Ward 2 - 3: South Memorial School Gym, 16 Maple St Ext
Ward 3 - 1: Our Lady of Fatima Church, Rear Lower Lvl, 50 Walsh Ave
Ward 3 - 2: Our Lady of Fatima Church, Rear Lower Lvl, 50 Walsh Ave
Ward 3 - 3: Wilson Terrace Community Hall, 15 Wilson Terrace
Ward 4 - 1: Higgins Middle School Gym, 1 King Street Extension
Ward 4 - 2: Higgins Middle School Gym, 1 King Street Extension
Ward 4 - 3: Peabody Veterans Memorial High School Gym, 485 Lowell St
Ward 4 - 3A: 300 Brooksby Village Drive, MacIntosh Clubhouse
Ward 5 - 1: Kiley School Gymnasium, 21 Johnson Street
Ward 5 - 2: Kiley School Gymnasium, 21 Johnson Street
Ward 5 - 3: McCarthy School Gymnasium, 76 Lake Street
Ward 6 - 1: West Memorial School Gymnasium, 15 Bow Street
Ward 6 - 2: Burke School Gymnasium, 127 Birch Street
Ward 6 - 3: Burke School Gymnasium, 127 Birch Street

City Council At-Large Predictions and Endorsements

At-Large City Council

These are the people we must rely on to help keep Peabody a vibrant and active community for all its residents and businesses. Sadly, this group spends most of its time bemoaning minor disturbances and rarely can see beyond the malaise and mediocrity that they have helped create here in Peabody.

I yearn for some vision and leadership amongst this important elected body... but instead I am ever disappointed by the nudge-nudge-wink-wink of back room shenanigans and petty turf wars.


My Endorsements:
  • Edward A. Bettencourt Jr.
  • Anne M. Manning
  • David C. Gravel
  • And because he is at least smart (while I disagree with his demeanor and positions all too often): James K. Liacos
I have no 5th candidate I can support.

Michael Garabedian is really stupid. I have absolutely no idea why ANYONE voted for this man. He is an embarrassment to the City and yet (see predictions) he will be reelected. William Aylward is running on the ridiculous ideas of cutting taxes and improving the schools and city services (which can only be done in a campaign promise and not in real life) and James Moutsoulas was the Ward 3 crack pot before the CURRENT Ward 3 crackpot got into power. None of these people deserve to be on the City Council.


My Predictions:

  • Edward A. Bettencourt Jr.
  • Michael V. Garabedian
  • James K. Liacos
  • Anne M. Manning
  • David C. Gravel
Same old, same old.

Please feel free to leave your own predictions and endorsements as well.

School Committee Predictions and Endorsements

School Committee

This is the one race where the people of Peabody, and not just the parents of Peabody, can really have an impact on the future of our City.

The current crop of committee members was all too ready to stand by and allow the Mayor to disassemble the school system to balance the budget... while not bring a single job cut to the rest of the City. However, he was not alone in this action and the members of the School Committee need to face their poor choices and actions.

I would actually like to see both the incumbents out of their positions on the school committee. I am usually NOT a "Vote Out All The Bums... And They're ALL BUMS" kind of person, but this year, after the actions and antics - of these two members especially - I am more than willing to see what these new faces can bring to the School Committee and our school system.

I endorse:
  • Jarrod M. Hochman
  • John C. Olimpio
  • Thomas J. Rossignoll


I predict:
  • Beverley A. Griffin Dunne
  • Edward M. Nizwantowski
  • Jarrod M. Hochman

Please feel free to leave your own predictions and endorsements as well.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Bonfanti for Mayor... and why Russ Donovan is a poor choice

I have been accused of being a toady for Mayor Bonfanti. That's fine, but those who actually pay any attention will see I often disagree and sometimes seriously rebuke our current mayor.

That being said,

I also believe he will win in a landslide.

Now, I also do NOT support Mr. Russ Donovan.

I think a recent exchange on The Peabody Patriot might be more illustrative than any new post here.

To begin, the Peabody Patriot (which I do not believe is being run by KD - at least not at the moment) did endorse Mr. Donovan for mayor. I strongly disagreed. Then had some back and forth which culminated in a personal message on the PP from Mr. Donovan... and finally my response.

I post these for your edification.


Please note that Mr. Donovan has made quite a list of "campaign issues" at the Peabody Patriot blog (link above) in response to my statements.
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Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Posted by Vote Em Out at 12:25 AM

Russell Donovan

Friday, October 30, 2009
No Peabody mayor defeated since 1951 -, Salem, MA
Posted by Vote Em Out at 9:48 AM

We all know what Peabody is, we are not Dark City as OG likes to say. We are not La La Land like some other like to say. We are incumbent land a sitting Mayor has not lost since 1951. How may Mayors were defeated during the time of the great depression? That really is the level where at right now, minus the breadlines.

We need a change in this city, why not make it now and if it is not working in two years make a change. Trust me you will have many candidates in 2 years if Mike was defeated, people could not stand someone sitting in that office that was not hand picked

October 30, 2009 7:51 PM
Peabody_Insider said...

If you really think that Mr. Donovan is a real candidate for Mayor then I simply can not take anything you have to say seriously.
He has not campaigned, does not have any real platform or experience or, frankly, any coherent grasp of how a city works.
He is a 'screw-you' candidate who enjoys seeing his name in the (very short lived) spotlight and deservedly so.
The one issue he blathers on and on about is WATER where he spouts half truths and mostly innuendo and wink-wink conspiracy allegations.
My favorite thing is his talking about how he respected former Mayor Torigian when he NEVER IN HIS LIFE had a good thing to say about him.
This man and his candidacy - any anyone who supports him - are all jokes.
I noticed you couldn't even come up with reasons to vote for him... only one's to vote against Mayor Bonfanti.
The current Mayor is certainly not perfect - far from it - and is actually quite annoying at times and has created many problems for this City over the years... but to ask people to vote him out so you can vote in a joke is frankly the worst thing to come out of the Peabody Patriot since the original jerk left.
And yes... this is indeed an angry letter. Because you have now proven yourself to be AN ANTI-PEABODY BLOG - one that would rather see this City thrown in the garbage rather than admit that Bonfanti IS the better choice among no choice at all.

October 31, 2009 9:16 AM
Anonymous said...

WOW ! again you talk like you acually know something about how this city is run ! you must be the smartest guy in Peabody. I think your just the most arrogant. what makes anything you say the fact or even beleivable. you should really get out more often.

October 31, 2009 12:37 PM
Peabody_Insider said...

One thing.
Name one thing that Mr. Donovan has said he will do for this City... AND HOW HE WILL DO IT.
Just one.
Besides the fact that HE ISN'T BONFANTI.
I'm sorry that many people here don't like Mayor Bonfanti... and that is fine. There are plenty of reasons to not like him.
But to say that this City and all its people and businesses would be IN BETTER HANDS if we allow this unprepared and ill-informed citizen to take control is plain and simply STUPID.
Mr. Donovan is one of those ANTI people. He has NEVER met a politician he likes and is only only AGAINST EVERYTHING... never offering better ways.
He has been like this for years and years. And you know what? That's FINE if he just wants to be a crank crackpot citizen making noise when he feels like it.
It is an entirely different matter when he is asking people to vote him into power so he can ruin this City.
And it is wholly irresponsible of The Peabody Patriot to put the hatred of Mayor Bonfanti ahead of the Needs of the Citizens of Peabody.

November 1, 2009 8:46 AM
Anonymous said...

WOW! PI are you off your meds again?
I don't think I ever demeaned you the way you have me.
The one thing I would do for the City is: (Sorry Mike)
Get Mike OUT OF THE Corner OFFICE!
How I will do it? Simple.
With the peabody voters support. Win the Election.
Why should the voters oust Mike?
Let's see. Mmmm....
Police: The police exam scandal comes to mind. No names please. The 9/11 holiday pay.
Fire: Asleep while manning the 911 desk. Again no names.
DPS: The deliberate pollution of our water supply. Amongst other things don't to be mentioned cause he's gone now.
And oh ya.
Eight years of increased homeowner property taxes.
But these are just a few reasons.
Bloggers feel free to add your own points. Schools maybe?
During the campaign I only mentioned the polluting of our water supply as this was done by the head of the DPS with the mayor's acceptance!
As to my experience and understanding of how city government works. Let me just say: Over the many years I have attended various city board meetings and participated in numerous public meetings and I believe I have a good sense of what is going on in Peabody government.
I can't say I seen your face at any of these meetings.
Yes, I respected Peter Torigian. I didn't agree with him on a number of issues but I respected the man.
Let me tell a short story about Peter and me. Years ago, Peter had made a deal to get a chemical plant built in the then new Centennial Industrial Park but he needed a zoning change. My neighbors and I fought the zoning changes that would have allowed that plant in the park.
See Zoning or RE-Zoning is IMPORTANT! The little details can kill you or ruin the quality of life in our neighborhoods.
Peter never forgot or forgave.
For some reason the site limited my text last night so I couldn't send. I had to abbreviate my writing this morning. More to come in another comment.

Russell Donovan, Candidate for Mayor
November 1, 2009 11:20 AM
Peabody_Insider said...

Mr. Donovan:

First let me say that I would never have made public comments about ANYONE (such as these I have made here) while someone was a private citizen. I certainly might have rolled my eyes and said, "Yup, that's Russ" - but I would never have attacked your positions in a forum public like this.
Until you asked us all to vote for you to become the highest ranking official in the City - a person directly responsible for the day to day administration of our City. Then, Mr. Donovan, you and your ideas are not only fair game for public discussion, but it is our civic duty to be discussing this important election and the candidates.
Now, when I rebuked the Peabody Patriot for endorsing you for mayor, I called them out on the fact that they GAVE NO REASONS TO VOTE FOR YOU... ONLY REASONS TO NOT VOTE FOR MAYOR BONFANTI.
And guess what!?! You did exactly the same thing!
You are not offering one bit more information as to WHY your are a good choice for mayor except that you don't go home to Mayor Bonfanti's house at night! Hell, my neighbor's 5-year old daughter doesn't either... is she also qualified because SHE ISN'T MIKE TOO?
I am sorry if you feel you have been publicly wronged by my statements and sentiments. But you are the one seeking high public office and you are the one saying people should cast their precious vote for mayor for YOU.
And the best you can do is tell us you are not Mike Bonfanti.
Well then, thank you sir. We are now well aware of this fact and I hope we will all vote appropriately.
Finally, Mr. Donovan, how can you tell that I haven't been to these public meetings? The City must hold between 3-6 meetings of one sort or another every week! If you indeed do attend all of them, good for you. But I also attend the ones I feel are important to attend when time permits. And since you don't know who I am, how can you possibly say that I haven't been there.
And really, don't you understand that their is a difference between attending a meeting and actually running a meeting? I mean I go to see movies... but that doesn't make me George Clooney??
Good luck with your campaign and I would actually welcome seeing you put some of your positions into writing here - since I have yet to be visited by you or receive ANY literature via mail or drop.

Sincerely, PI

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Election Forum: Wednesday, Oct. 21st. 7:00-9:00 at City Hall

The Salem News will be sponsoring a candidate forum at Peabody City Hall on Wednesday, October 21st from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

This forum will feature candidates for the following positions:
  • Mayor

  • Councilor-at-Large

  • School Committee
I only saw this as a brief mention at the end of one of Nelson Benton's opinion pieces and haven't seen much about it since then.

Now, sadly, a long standing work commitment will force me to miss this event... and I am very unhappy about it. This is exactly the type of forum I have been saying is needed in the City. I hope other's will share their opinions and viewpoints on how the night goes.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Ward Councilor Races in Peabody

I was asked to give some predictions and endorsements for the upcoming elections in November. Now, predictions are often rather easy here in Peabody... never bet against the incumbent. As for endorsements... well my though it who cares what I think? But I was asked so I will give mine below... BUT PLEASE add yours in the comments as well. Especially OG as you were requested as well.

But first... here are the 3 recent news articles from The Salem News on the three ward races with challengers.

Two campaign for Ward 1 council seat

Newcomer, veteran vie for Ward 4 seat

Ward 6 hopefuls tangle over temperament

So lets start with the sad news... Ward 2, 3 and 5 can't even muster enough interest to get a challenger to the incumbent,

Ward 2:
Arthur Athas (unopposed)
Ward 3:
Rico E. Mello (unopposed)
Ward 5: David R. Gamache (unopposed)

This is a sad state of affairs in my opinion. I like to see a vigorous campaign with lots of ideas being tossed around and a future vision of Peabody being discussed. Sadly this will not be happening in Wards 2, 3 or 5.

Ward 1

Endorsement: Rob Forti
Why? I think he has shown he has both an interest in his Ward and a high level of energy that he is willing to put into the job. When he used to post on the Peabody blogs, he was often a very reasonable person who made logical arguments and seemed willing to listen to others point of view. I think he would bring some new energy and responsibility to the council and Ward 1.
Prediction: This one could be close... but I think inertia will prevail and Barry Osbourne will emerge as the winner.

Ward 4

Endorsement: Jeff Grayson
Why? I have met both these candidates (I live in Ward 4) and while I personally like Bob Driscoll, I think he has lost real interest in the job. He is running hard (first time in a while) but I don't like what he has turned into as a councilor. He has sided with irrational and misguided neighbors over zoning issues in Brooksby Farms (going against the recommendation of the City's experts in order to placate a few vocal locals.) But more importantly, while I have heard him blame the CC for inaction on many issues... he is PART OF THAT PROBLEM and has been powerless to do anything about it for too long. Time to give someone else a chance to try.
But enough about why Driscoll has lost my support. I think Grayson has a future in Peabody politics. He is young and bright and full of energy and ideas... and idealism as well. And while idealism alone is NOT enough to change the world... it is better than a "No We Can't" attitude that the current City Council membership seems to rejoice in.

Prediction: This one will probably NOT be close... Bob Driscoll will win.

Ward 6

Endorsement: Barry Sinewitz
Why? Or rather... WHAT?? How can I endorse Sinewitz? I do not personally find Councilor Sinewitz to be either well informed or particularly gracious in his actions as a councilor here in Peabody. I certainly often disagree with his opinions and voting record, but mostly I dislike his reactionary style of politics. And yet I am endorsing him.
His opponent, Mr. Sheehan is perhaps a fine fellow... but he has yet to make that clear to the people. I NEVER FULLY TRUST what I read online... but then he goes and makes the Westside a linchpin in his campaign when given an open opportunity in the Salem News article. I am beginning to see why so many people see him as a non-candidate.

Prediction: This one will be a landslide and Barry Sinewitz will win easily.

I welcome comments and thoughts on the Ward Councilor races here. I will be posting additional posts on the At-Large and the School Committee races.

I will not bother to look at the other races as the race for Mayor is a joke and Bonfanti will win by a huge margin (with no real competition) and as for the other races????? Who cares?

Monday, October 12, 2009

behind every shadow the bogeyman


I would just like to make clear that NO ONE is accusing Mr. Forti of any wrong doing in this instance. This post by Needham's Corner was in response to a multitude of rantings and ravings at this and other Peabody blogs. Mr. Forti has been very forthright when addressing the public during his campaign as well as on these blogs. This post was NOT IN ANY WAY meant to imply any wrongdoing on the part of Mr. Forti. I hope readers will read the post above this one and see that Mr. Forti has my support in his race.
- Peabody Insider

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Some of our paranoiac readers (well, yeah, you aren't really paranoid if the world is truly out to get you!) may be unfamiliar with certain provisions of the Hatch Act, a federal statute that restricts local partisan political activity by local, state, and federal employees.

Read about it here: and before you go all off about "strong men" and coercion, think about how the law might be interpreted with respect to local politics. I once worked with someone in a non-profit agency whose funding came from the feds, and she was unwilling to hold a sign on election day because she thought it was a violation of the Hatch Act. Misinterpretation of federal law is not uncommon (!), but perhaps once in a while people err on the side of over-caution than under-caution.

It would be great if people would read the law and think for themselves about how it might be interpreted, instead of just grabbing onto whatever random interpretation is floating out there in the blogosphere. There ain't no law agin THINKING.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Election Endorsements and Predictions????????? Good Idea...

A person posted here asking if I would be making any endorsements of candidates for office in the City of Peabody. They also wanted to know predictions about who I thought might actually win.

This is a good idea for a post. I will need to do some research into ALL the candidates first... at least those who are running in races against someone else.

Sadly, I (like Needham's Corner) have had few candidates visit my home. One was here (Grayson, Ward 4 challenger) in person and two others (Driscoll, Ward 4 incumbent and Hochman, School Committee challenger) left literature when no one was home.

I am very desirous of knowing what these candidates stand for and what they see as the future path for Peabody. I have read the local papers, gone to websites and facebook pages, I have even asked some directly for these answers... and received little, if anything, in return.

So while I do not feel that competent to discuss some of the other ward challengers, I certainly have an opinion on most of the existing ward councilors and the at-large folks. And the school committee as well... I know the incumbents, but VERY little about the challengers.

Then you have the two that are utterly meaningless... Library Trustee and Electric Light Commission... Frankly... who cares. Library trustee? As long as we don't get a book burner like Bev Dunne in that roll... I could care less. And light plant? I mean what DO they do anyway? That job seems like simply a Free Health Care Position to me.

So I will do some due diligence and start a post very soon on the endorsements and predictions... and I hope everyone will toss in their own two cents in the discussion as well.

I would also be happy to publish the websites of ANY candidates... so please feel free to pass them along in the comments.

More on this to come.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Apathy Central

So here it is October 3; the election is about one month away; and here is what my household has seen for campaign activity:
  • Visits from incumbents for any elected position: Zero
  • Literature from incumbents for any elected position: Zero
  • Literature from challengers:
  • --- One for ward councilor
  • --- One for school committee
  • Visits from challengers: One

I do not live at the end of a long dead-end street in a remote area, so it's not about geography. I think it's about taking votes for granted.

I am not one to spout the 'change for the sake of change' or 'throw all the bums out' rhetoric that sometimes characterizes certain elements of the frustrated electorate, but this year, I really have to wonder:

We have 11 do-nothings on the City Council whose sole tasks as they apparently see them are issuing special permits (done by planning boards and boards of appeal in many other towns, to free up town councils to focus on bigger-picture issues) and rubber-stamping budgets and bond issues. The job that they SHOULD be doing, i.e., making legislative policy (zoning, for example) is left to the mayor and his staff, with the council's sole activity to squash any spark of initiative or new thinking that the mayor puts forward.

We have a school committee that directs the super to cut particular jobs, and then lambastes him when it turns out that you can't just hire any old body off the street to fill the position at reduced cost, AFTER HE TOLD THEM THEIR IDEA WOULDN'T WORK.

I am supporting a couple of challengers this time around. I have heard their fresh ideas, and while they might be over-idealistic, I would rather give them a chance than deal with the same old defeatist bunch who seem to have lost their appetite for even TRYING to improve this city.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Attention: Mosquito Spraying Tonight

Mosquito control officers will be spraying public areas and streets west of Rt . 1 tonight to control an outbreak of EEE

The Salem News: Mosquito spraying tonight in Peabody
The City of Peabody website has additional information as well.

This came at late notice and it is only announced for tonight, September 24, 2009.

Plans call for spraying all ball fields, playgrounds, parks and the bikeway as well as residential streets west of Rt. 1.

Residents are advised to keep windows and doors that face the street or recreation areas closed during this time.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Missing Signs

I just wanted to make a mention here of the sign controversy in Ward 6, where Councilor Sinewitz's signs have gone missing in two different incidents. There are also other signs, including Mr. Sheehan's, missing - but in numbers that do not indicate a targeted action. The Sinewitz signs do appear to be being targeted.

The Salem News: Sheehan condemns theft of opponent's campaign signs

The Salem News: Sinewitz's campaign signs stolen in Ward 6
The Salem News Opinion Letters: West Peabody race gets nasty

There is much discussion going on at Keith Doucette's Peabody Patriot blog.

I feel that both candidates are handling this very well and that neither is involved in the pilfering of the other's signs. I am very hopeful the Peabody police get to the bottom of this quickly.

Stealing ANY campaign sign is simply unamerican and cowardly! Freedom of speech, especially political speech, is a hard fought for right and a basic expectation in our country.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Election Posts - Updated

I have updated all the election blog topics (top left menus) to include the most current information on candidates running for these offices.

This is a place for talking, questioning and politic'ing... but likewise for people holding candidates to the task of explaining what they plan to do if we elect them.

Separate blog topics may be started for more news related items and as we get closer to the November election date.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ward 1 Primary: Tuesday, 9/15/09

Congratulations to all the candidates in this primary.
And good luck to both leaders in the November elections.

Ward 1 City Councilor Primary was held Tuesday, September 15, 2009.

Peabody Patriot is reporting:


ust a public service here, no editorializing.

The Salem News: Carli says city residents aren't seeing any results

The Salem News: A newcomer, Forti says he is full of 'fresh ideas'

The Salem News: Osborne touts the ability to help his constituents

Peabody Polling Locations are in this brief article in the Peabody Weekly News:

The polls will open on Tuesday at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. and are at the same locations as in citywide elections. Ward 1 residents in precincts 1 and 3 can vote at St. Ann’s Church on Lynn Street, while Precinct 2 residents can vote at Woodbridge Assisted Living Facility at 240 Lynnfield St. (The Precinct 2 poll is no longer at the Peabody-Lynnfield YMCA.)

Any voters who will be out of the city on Tuesday or unable to make it to the polls because of a physical disability or religious observance may vote by absentee ballot. Call the City Clerk’s office at (978) 538-5756 for more information

I am not a resident of Ward 1 so I have little direct contact with any of these gentlemen. I will say this - that I welcome political competition and dislike uncontested races. I also demand that if someone asks me for my vote that they explain exactly why I should vote for them AND why they are the better choice for the office.

Good luck and please vote Ward 1

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Shame on the Peabody School Committee

Bravo to our good and brave School Committee members. The Peabody School Committee is trying to cover their own stupidity and arrogance by blaming the very people they have caused all the headaches for in the first place.

Salem News: Special ed pushed to cover rehiring

Let's take a look at this ever more sad chain of events and see if we, unlike School Committee member David McGeney, can see where the fault lies... and who is ultimately at fault here...

The School Committee is told by Mayor Bonfanti to slash the school budgets and prepare the school system for the obvious layoffs (remember... it was ONLY the Peabody Public Schools that needed to lay off ANYONE - every single other position in Peabody Government was considered NOT OVER BUDGET.)

Then the crack education folks on the School Committee told the school administrators to sharpen their budgets... and several meetings were held to hammer out a workable budget.

During one of these meetings a School Committee member (sorry, I forget who it was) asked if the school adjustment coordinator (SAC) positions might be cut instead of the elementary school guidance councilors... with the idea that other guidance councilors could do the work of the SACs.

To his partial credit, Superintendent Burnett told the SC that IT WAS NOT A GOOD IDEA.

And to show that they know more than the experts, they told the Superintendent to do it anyway... and to his chagrin, he fired the SACs.

Now, only a few months later... The truth about the SACs comes out. They are specialized positions requiring specialized certification... and without that certification the Peabody Schools will be OUT OF COMPLIANCE... which really means that they will be open to law suits from parents for failing to meet the educational requirements of students.

So.... guess what? Peabody now needs to REHIRE the two SACs that they sacked a few months back (sorry, couldn't resist).

Now the Superintendent looks like an ASS.
But even worse... the School Committee all look like ASSES.

How to fix this situation so that the School Committee members DON'T LOOK SO STUPID IN AN ELECTION YEAR???

I KNOW! They will put all the blame on the director of the Peabody Schools Special Education department, Patricia Bullard... BECAUSE SHE FOLLOWED THE ORDERS THEY TOLD HER TO FOLLOW IN THE FIRST PLACE.

And David McGeney even gets a little testy that she somehow simply can not wave her magic wand and restore the $140,000 that the School Committee took out of her budget when they removed these people in the first place.

I simply can not believe that after so many LOWS in the past few years that the Peabody Schools have yet again sunk to a new depth.

Shame on the Peabody School Committee.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Quarry Expansion & Closure Confuses Politicians

The Quarry controversy rears its ugly head yet again

The Boston Globe: Peabody rock quarry closure plans are in midsts of expanding

This is not such a giant controversy.

The quarry was in place long before the houses all sprouted up, so the neighbors complaining about the quarry are simply guilty of choosing to live in the wrong place.

That being said, Aggregate Industries is proving itself to be not only a bad neighbor, but a criminal one as well. The company needs to be very closely watched as it has proven itself to be NOT TRUSTWORTHY.

However, the fact that the two politicians mentioned in the article, Ted Speliotis and Barry Sinewitz, are confused by such a "complicated idea" that this company has the legal right to expand, and plans to do so, while at the same time creating a shut down plan for 30 years in the future says more about the mental abilities of these gentlemen and less about this confusing issue.

It is not confusing.

This company can (and obviously plans to) continue its operations in this location until they have exhausted their permitted rights. They also are required to create a long-term plan to ultimately close the plant.

Gentlemen... how hard is that to understand?

Bottom line...

- Neighbors will complain about ANYTHING and the reality is you shouldn't build/buy your house next to a rock quarry if you don't like noise, ground shaking blasts and truck traffic.

- Aggregate Industries has proven itself to be untrustworthy and in violation of the law. They need to be closely monitored and controlled.

Now I know from talking with a few people that living near AI is a pain and it makes life unpleasant at times (and dangerous at others)... even if people made bad choices in the past (choosing to live near a quarry) - but they are there now and the City should be trying to mediate a fair and reasonable accommodation for all involved. AI has rights, but so do the residents. In fact, the City itself should bear some of the responsibility for allowing these homes to be built in the first place.

In my opinion the best course of action here is:

1) Continue the closure plan discussions with a keen focus on how the land will/can be used in the future.

2) Continue the discussion on the expansion plans - AND MAKE SURE THE CITY HAS SMART PEOPLE IN THIS DEBATE when it comes to the issuance of special permits required for AI to achieve its goals.

The only place the City has any say in AI's business (if they are operating within the law) is when they come to ask for a special permit. This is the time the City needs to act intelligently and get some logical concessions in order to benefit FIRST, the City as a whole and SECOND, the concerns of the neighbors.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Local Options: To Tax or Not To Tax?

= = = = = U P D A T E D = = = = =

Mayor Bonfanti says while he sees "both sides of the issue" the City could really use the added tax money.

The Lynn Item: Peabody in pickle on local tax hike

What I don't find very convincing is Mayor Bonfanti's justification for raising the taxes: that the Legislature will be mad at the cities and towns for NOT enacting the taxes while still looking for State relief. To me this sounds like grasping at straws for a reason BESIDES the fact that the City needs more funds... and it seems rather week to me.

The other assertion, that it would be easier if everyone were to enact the increase (Danvers has voted no while Saugus has voted yes) and has the Mayor wishing Salem would pass it to make it easier for Peabody to do the same... is NOT LEADERSHIP! It is being a follower. Stop it and just do the right thing because it is THE RIGHT THING... even if it hurts you in the polls.

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The Massachusetts State Legislature has give Cities and Towns the local option to add a local tax onto hotel rooms and/or meals. This would add up to 2% to the cost of a hotel or motel room and up to 0.75% to the cost of a meal in a restaurant.

The Peabody Weekly News: Decision on local luxury tax hikes stalled until fall
Note: The PWN only has stories up for one week
The Salem News Editorial: Nelson Benton: Nothing tasty about meals tax
The Salem News: Megavoke OK'd, Meals tax denied in Danvers
The Salem News: Local Taxes may rise in tough times
The Salem News: Senate OKs hike in sales, alcohol tax
The Boston Globe: Tax options raise interest, with caution
The Boston Globe: Towns consider tax hike

The problem: State aid to Cities and Towns has plummeted in recent years.
The (one small?) solution: Give local communities the ability to gather their own local taxes with an increase in hotel and meals taxes.

This is not a perfect solution, but it is one way to allow Cities and Towns to gather additional income in very difficult financial times.

The reality of the hotel/motel situation is that adding 2% to the hotel room charges would equal around an additional $2.00 a day to the average hotel/motel room in Peabody. And since the vast majority of the people staying these hotels are from out of town... this seems a perfect way to recoup some of the losses in State funding.

The meals tax is a little more personal as it will mostly affect the locals who frequent Peabody restaurants. However, this additional tax is EXTREMELY SMALL... 0.75% in fact, so small that it simply can not be held up as a DETERRENT to folks seeking to have a meal in a local eatery.

The cost of eating out will change very little... in fact, here are some prime examples...

Breakfast at Dunkin Donuts:
Large coffee and a bagel with cream cheese:
$4.38 --------- + 3 cents tax! = $4.41

Lunch at Sonic (just opened on Rt. 1):
A Number 2 (SuperSONIC Cheeseburger Combo w/ medium fries + drink)
--------- + 5 cents tax! = $6.04

Dinner at Sugarcane (for two):
Hot & Sour soup (2), Crab Rangoon, Orange Duck, General Gau's Chicken, and 2 (!) Scorpion Bowls
$64.00 --------- + 48 cents tax! = $64.48

Special Romantic Evening Out for 2 at Legal Seafoods
2 signature cocktails, oysters and coconut shrimp appetizers, shared large Caesar salad, surf & turf (shrimp & scallops), grilled wild salmon, bottle of wine ($45), 2 signature desserts and cappuccinos
$190.00 --------- + $1.43 tax! = $191.43

This should pretty much prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that this additional amount of tax would do NO ONE any harm and indeed would NOT change anyone's plans to stop in for a quick bite... or an evening of fine dining.

Now on to the man who cost Peabody $300,000...
Thanks to Councilor Rico Mello - who seems perpetually stuck in some other reality - the City Council will not take up the discussion on these local taxes - NOT EVEN DISCUSS IT!?! - until the Fall... thus losing out on approximately $300,000 in additional City revenues that Mayor Bonfanti proposed applying towards desperately needed road and sidewalk repairs.

Now I am NOT saying I think we should allocate these moneys to ANY ONE project... and if we DO pick only one... roads and sidewalks are NOT the number one need in this City.

But for Councilor Mello to yet again show himself as the OPPONENT OF ANY CHANGE in this City is yet another reason to elect a better representative in the coming elections.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Senator Ted Kennedy Dead at 77

Senator Edward Kennedy Dead at 77

It will come to no surprise to anyone familiar with my viewpoints that Senator Kennedy is a personal hero of mine. I believe that he showed us all that a flawed person can indeed become a force for good in this world.

The Liberal Lion of the Senate is gone. He shall be missed.

The Boston Globe: Kennedy dead at 77
The Boston Herald: Senator Edward M. Kennedy dies at 77
The New York Times: Edward Kennedy, Senate Stalwart, Dies
The BBC World Service: Senator Edward Kennedy dies at 77

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Peabody West Little Leaguers head to World Series

= = = = = U P D A T E = = = = =

Well the young folks had quite a time in Pennsylvania! They represented the City of Peabody proudly, and while they did not always finish the game with a W in the scorebox, they certainly played with spirit and energy and gave it their very best! That is absolutely all that anyone can ask of another person or team!

Thank you all for your efforts this season and for allowing us to share in your success!
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As many of you might have guessed, I am not the biggest sports fan out there. And I don't like to see school athletics favored over academics. But this is a different story.

Peabody West Little League has advanced to the Little League Baseball World Series in South Williamsport, PA after a stunning series of wins... some of them in the heart-stopping category.

The next 3 games are as follows: Schedule is here
and for more info:

8:00 pm, Friday, 8/21/09
New England vs. Southwest

6:00 pm, Sunday, 8/23/09
West vs. New England

4:00pm, Tuesday, 8/25/09
Great Lakes vs. New England

Now it looks like these will be broadcast only on ESPN360 (Click Here) I believe this is a free internet service IF you are using a member ISP. Note: Comcast and Verizon are BOTH MEMBER ISP's!

I think this is one event that can bring the entire City together to cheer on and support our young people!

Here are some local stories about these fine ball players and their families, friends and fans:

NECN Video: Peabody West team a source of pride for City
Boston Globe: Peabody takes long route into Little League World Series
Salem News: Peabody West: World Series here they come
Lynn Item: Peabody West parents absorb a heart-stopping game and conclusion
Peabody Weekly News: West makes it to New England Finals

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Peabody Fined $70,000 by EPA


The Salem News has provided a better picture of this story... and specifically why the City is getting charged the $70,000 fine.

The Salem News: City is fined $70k by EPA

Turns out this is NOT a case of anything but some poor paperwork management... or mismanagement on the part of the City. The Mayor, while taking ultimate responsibility, did blame in part the (swift? unexpected?) departure of Dick Carnevale as one major reason that these oversights occurred.

However, this does NOT appear to be a case of wanton pollution as is being promoted by a few vocal individuals in the blog'o'sphere. It never fails to amaze me how some people are so quick to jump to the worst possible conclusions. This is, of course, NOT AN EXCUSE FOR THIS INANE OVERSIGHT BY THE CITY! $70,000 would certainly have made the Peabody Public Schools a tiny bit better.

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The Lynn Item is reporting that the City of Peabody has been fined $70,000 by the EPA for...
failing to meet permit requirements designed to ensure that raw sewage and other pollutants stay out of storm sewers, which drain to local rivers, ponds and coastal waters.

The Lynn Item: EPA fines Peabody $70,000 over raw sewage drains

I will admit I don't really have much information to add to this published report. I am not familiar with the current regulations that are specified in the article and more importantly it really doesn't specify what exactly Peabody did wrong to deserve this fine.

I did want to post this so people can have a place to discuss this and I will update as morte information becomes available.

Community Development Director Delios is Moving On

Community Development director Jean Delios is leaving the City of Peabody for a new job in Reading.

The Salem News: City's top planner to take new job in Reading

There are many who blame Ms. Delios for the pro-development stance that seems to be the way of life here in Peabody. I don't think that this is particularly true, although I do think that Community Development has been more about business and about community for a while now. Ultimately it is the Mayor who is responsible for the overall City position regarding development - and the new moneys that brings into a community.

Mayor Bonfanti recently was quoted in an article stating that he is "pro business" - the exact quote is was...

"We are pro-business because we understand that business is the lifeblood of the city," Mayor Michael Bonfanti said. -Salem News

I can't imagine that the citizens of Peabody really want this attitude in the person who is leading the City! Even in these difficult economic times most people can see that Peabody is rather built up and doesn't have much room for new development - changes, upgrades, renovations, consolidations... sure... but lots of new growth seems counter productive.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Possible Mayoral Contender? Russ Donovan pulls papers.

Russ Donovan has pulled nomination papers for Mayor of Peabody. This does not mean he is running, first he must return to the clerk's office by Tuesday with signatures from 50 residents of Peabody. This seems quite do-able and I would be glad to sign his (or anyone's) nomination papers if they are a serious candidate.

This is good. I like serious candidates running for office. I dislike uncontested races. It all makes for better government and certainly better public communication.

I would like to know much more about Mr. Donovan. But that will be a different post.

The Salem News: Russ Donovan takes out nomination papers

Does anyone find it rather odd that the Salem News has been running several articles about the unchallenged mayors on the North Shore recently... and when someone finally steps up to the plate and actually makes a challenge.... the news article is pushed into the middle of the most boring issue of the week (Monday.)

I mean... can you believe the TOP FOLD BANNER HEADLINE that Mr. Donovan got bumped for? Peabody Upgrades School Supply List, which is apparently news to the Salem News because they are all living in 1985 still? I mean they think a USB drive costs at least $10? Here Peabody parents... go here and get one for $2.00, or get one free from many businesses as handout gifts.

So a fluff story about the need for back to school stuff gets top billing and the announcement of the only challenger to a major sitting Mayor on the North Shore gets this crappy coverage?

Does anyone else still exist out there who thinks Mayor Bonfanti does NOT get special treatment from the Salem News? I'm not saying that the Mayor or his campaign had anything to do with this placement, in fact, I am sure that this challenge is seen as a non challenge to their camp. It is the Salem News who is showing their hand in my opinion.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

What is wrong with the Peabody Public School System?

Is it just me or is this one of the saddest years ever for the beleaguered Peabody Public School System?
  • First they have this horrendous budget cut that pretty much will undo most of the good progress made in the Peabody Schools in the past 10 years (and remember the ONLY PLACE IN THE ENTIRE CITY BUDGET THAT NEEDED CUTS was the Public Schools!)

  • Then Superintendent Milton Burnett decided that a select few of his management team needed BIG RAISES... EVEN THOUGH HE HAS AXED 75+ employees and more than 25 teachers

  • And now comes this gem... The cost savings plan to remove highly trained (and higher cost) school adjustment councilors and replace them with lesser trained (and cheaper) school guidance councilors - WHICH WAS APPROVED BY THE SUPERINTENDENT - is actually going to cost the City a bundle!

The Salem News: 'Cost-saving' layoff plan has backfired

Now I have admitted to not being a big fan of coach Niz and don't think he is an effective school committee member. However I can not fault him in this instance. He was simply making a suggestion for a potential cost savings move during the ridiculous sham of a budget that the school committee was working on.

The problem here was in what happened next... the highly paid educational administrative profession known as Superintendent Milton Burnett SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THESE IMPORTANT POSITIONS! Now... is the difference the number one thing he needs to deal with on a daily basis? Of course not. But THIS IS HIS JOB! He should have looked into this matter (if he didn't already know how it worked) and figured this out BEFORE making this STUPID MISTAKE.

How do we expect our students to learn how to think and act in intelligent and proactive ways when the very people in charge can't even do the basic tasks correctly (while getting a very nice paycheck for the honor as well)??????
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